Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 949: Warcraft vacation went 2

Chapter 949 Warcraft went on vacation 2

If you want to win the title of five-star power and surpass at least one of the four five-star powers, you must hurry.

But everyone's luck was very bad, they wandered in the celestial pole valley for a long time, only to find a dozen weak seven-star monsters.

If this continues, Thousand Fantasy Academy will definitely lose.

"This place is still on the periphery of the Tianji Valley. The other four five-stars have already swept this area, let's continue to go deeper."

Upon seeing this, Jun Mohuang thought for a while and understood what was going on.

"Yes, yes, we just need to go deeper and reach the four unseen areas."

Feng Yunqi nodded and took the lead, rushing to the depths of the Tianji Valley, followed by other students from Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Fifteen minutes after the group of Qianhuan Academy left, the people of Panguzong also came here.

"Grandma's, it's really unlucky. After spending a long time around the periphery, only seven or eight seven-star monsters were hunted, and where did the other eight, nine or even ten-star monsters die?"

One of Xuan Yuezong's disciples was full of dissatisfaction.

Another disciple immediately said, "Huh, let's also say, the group of people in Thousand Fantasy Academy must have hunted all the powerful monsters in the periphery."

Xuan Yuezong, as an old acquaintance who has been going to fight with Thousand Fantasy Academy almost every day for the past month, naturally knows that Thousand Fantasy Academy has a pill that can heal his injuries super fast.

Regardless of the multiple injuries, the one that can jump around in half a day after taking it.

Thousand Fantasy Academy has this kind of cheating weapon, but Xuan Yuezong does not.

They and three other five-star forces besieged the Thousand Fantasy Academy a day and a half ago, but were severely injured, and now they are barely healed in the cave.

Unexpectedly, when all the powerful monsters were gone, it must be the ghost of the people from the Thousand Fantasy Academy who recovered from the injury first.

"No way, we can only go deeper and try to get ahead of the Thousand Fantasy Academy. Sect Master said beforehand that the city lord passed through the bottom of him, and the nine-star and ten-star monsters in the celestial valley are concentrated in the middle of the valley."

In other words, as long as they go to the most central part of the Celestial Pole Valley and hunt down the Warcraft in front of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they have a chance to beat the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

After all, Thousand Fantasy Academy doesn't know this kind of internal news.

As a result, the people of Xuan Yuezong moved toward the deepest part of the Tianji Valley at the fastest speed.

Half an hour after the people of Xuan Yuezong left, the three groups of Ye Family, Lihunzong, and Pangu Sect arrived one after another.

Like Xuanyuezong, Ye Family, Lihunzong and Panguzong had nothing to gain, and they all believed that the beasts in the periphery were first attacked by Qianhuan Academy.

And they all got internal news from the city lord of Star City, the nine-star and ten-star monsters in the valley were concentrated in the most central part of the valley.

Then, Ye Family, Lihunzong, and Panguzong all rushed to the depths of the Heavenly Pole Valley at the fastest speed.

After all, there is less than one day before the end of the game.

After both the Ye Family and the Lihunzong left, the aura moved slightly in the dense forest, and the three of them were Yao Shangtian, Yao Xuan and the City Lord of Sky Star City.

Very good, now everyone has gone deep into the celestial pole valley.

Yao Shangtian, Yao Xuan and the city lord of the Star City smiled at each other, each with their own colors. The three quickly disappeared in the dense forest and headed towards the depths of the Heavenly Pole Valley.


"I'll go, cheating, this is, WoW, WoW!"

Feng Yunqi looked at the dense forest in front of him speechlessly. They all went deep into the middle of the celestial valley, but they only hunted down five eight-star monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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