Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 944: Unknown conspiracy

Chapter 944 Unknown Conspiracy

In the past five-star power competition, the process of grabbing the three-star four-star power was the same in the Star City by the way of ringing the winner, and the method has never changed.

Suddenly changing the process made the Great Elder and the Sixth Elders a little puzzled.

But let it change. With the current strength of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, hunting the beasts has an advantage.

It is not a problem to win the title of a five-star power this time.

Early that morning, the Great Elder and the Sixth Elder led all the students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy to the entrance of the Heavenly Pole Valley.

When the Thousand Fantasy Academy and the others came to the entrance of Tianji Valley, Ye Family, Xuanyue Sect, and the other two five-star forces-Lihun Sect and Pangu Sect had arrived.

The people of Ye Family, Xuan Yuezong, Lihunzong and Panguzong looked at Qianhuan Academy with complicated eyes.

This year is different from previous years. In the past, only four five-star powers participated in the star power competition in every world.

There are only four five-star forces in Cangyuan Continent. These four forces participate. Regardless of the performance of the four forces, the final title of the five-star forces will always be those four, but the ranking will be different.

After all, the gap between the four-star power and the five-star power is too big. Even if the four-star power ranked first in the previous years, it would not be the opponent of the Ye family, who ranked the bottom of the four five-star power.

This year this year, there has been a new change, that is, the Thousand Fantasy Academy has joined the competition for the title of five-star power.

If other forces sign up to compete for the title of five-star force, they will definitely laugh at this force's incompetence.

But facing the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they couldn't laugh at it.

You know, Thousand Fantasy Academy is a piece of hard bone that Xuan Yuezong and Ye Family haven't gnawed down in this period of time, Thousand Fantasy Academy does have this strength.

Especially the Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong, the expressions of the people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy at this time were extremely complicated.

The two five-star forces had not been able to win the Thousand Fantasy Academy in the wheel fight, which is really shameful.

The three elders of the Ye family were even more depressed. Not only did they deal with the problems of Qianhuan Academy recently, they even went looking for the talented alchemist who relieved Ye Xueman's symptoms of cold poison.

"Haha, the two elders are here. The city lord has heard about the recent events, and the students in your hospital are so amazing!"

Seeing the arrival of the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy, the City Lord of Sky Star City immediately smiled and stood out.

These words from the city lord made the complexions of Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong's faces even worse.

"The Lord of the City appreciates."

The great elder twitched his lips. How could Thousand Fantasy Academy offend the City Lord of Star City recently?

This nominal compliment is actually saying that Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong are not good, it is really a good hatred for the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

"Hahaha, elder, don't be humble. I haven't seen you for a while, and the students in your college have actually improved a lot, amazing!"

The City Lord of the Star City smiled with an elegant and handsome face, and quickly glanced at the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, and recognized Jun Mohuang at a glance.

The seemingly gentle eyes flashed with the color of ambition, this little girl is the ultimate goal this time.

Humph, I actually cultivated to the early stage of the 9th-stage Spirit Casting Realm, but when I met him, the City Lord of the Star City, everything was overwhelming.

The elder said in a formulaic modest manner: "The city lord has been rewarded."

Hearing the City Lord of Star City mentioned the strength of Thousand Fantasy Academy, the elders of Pangu Sect and Lihunzong noticed that the strength of the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy had improved a lot compared to the previous time when they dealt with Lingxiao Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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