Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 943: Sit-ups two thousand under 3

Chapter 943 Two thousand sit-ups 3

"Di Lingtian!"

Jun Mohuang became angry and threw a pillow directly on his face.

Hehe, she was so naive just now that he didn't understand her half of the sentence, she was so naive!


At this point, the battle outside the house has ended.

Thousand Fantasy Academy severely injured everyone Xuan Yuezong who came to find fault this time at the cost of hurting a dozen people.

It doesn't matter if more than a dozen people are injured, as long as it is not for a broken arm or a severe injury, after taking the healing inner pill refined by Jun Mohuang, it will be alive and kicking after half a day.

The trainees of Thousand Fantasy Academy took pills and went back to their rooms to meditate and refine.

The opposite Xuan Yuezong was not so relaxed. Sect Master Xuanyue was extremely shocked when faced with this result, his face was red and white.

After confirming again and again that there is really no super power from the upper realm behind the Thousand Fantasy Academy, the Sect Master of Xuan Yuezong was only angry.

The dignified five-star force was actually beaten like this by a four-star force, and he had no place to put his old face.

It was getting late at this time, so I had to wait for the next day to get back the place.

But what the Sect Master Xuanyue never expected was that not only the second day, but even the third, fourth, fifth... until the tenth day.

None of them won the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Instead, he was beaten by the Thousand Fantasy Academy in various ways. Every time a group of people were injured and fled back embarrassed.

Not only Xuan Yuezong, but also Ye Family.

After the Ye family was seriously injured by the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they had been sending people out to kill the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Unexpectedly, the Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong would take turns to battle every day, nor did they take the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Of course, Thousand Fantasy Academy is not feeling well here.

Every day I have to face Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong Lei who are unable to make trouble and fight, they are also very tired, OK?

But being so tired every day is not without gain.

After the devil training of the emperor Lingtian in the first ten days, coupled with the wheel fight between the Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong in the following ten days, the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy each improved at least one rank.

There are still many people whose potential has exploded, and they have risen to two levels.

No way, this kind of devil-style training, wheel-war-style fighting experience, it's hard not to be able to advance.

They never want to experience it again!

For ten days, Yao Xuan and Yao Shangtian secretly observed the movements of Qianhuan Academy.

The two had anticipated that the Ye family would repeatedly send people there, even if it was not a medicine, they had to maintain the family's face.

When they saw that Xuan Yuezong had joined them, the two were even more happy, thinking that the medicine master's feud was finally about to be repaid.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would be happy again, and the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy were all fine.

"Grandfather, what should I do."

Yao Xuan frowned, he really couldn't figure out why the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy could improve so quickly in a short period of time.

Even the Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong couldn't help it.

"Huh, it seems that the old man can only make big kills. Let's go to see the City Lord of Star City."

Yao Shangtian sneered, and there was a dark color in his eyes.

The life of Thousand Fantasy Academy is really cheap. It has survived one disaster after another, but what is the use of that.

Can he withstand two five-star forces, four five-star forces, and all the power of Sky Star City?

The answer is of course-no!

Five days later, the five-star power competition, which is the last ranked by the star power, officially began.

This time, Star City revised the venue and rules of the competition, requiring the five forces participating in the Five-Star Power Contest to go to the Heavenly Pole Valley to hunt down warcraft.

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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