Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 945: Unknown Conspiracy 2

Chapter 945 Unknown Conspiracy 2

Jun Mohuang and Yun Lan, who are walking in the front, have now reached the early stage of the ninth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm;

Zi Shuilan, Dou Zilin, and Jun Jianlin are at the eighth level of the Spirit Realm.

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong, Shi Feng, Yuan Kun, Ying Chen, and Meng Yu are at the seventh level of the Spirit Realm.

The rest of the students, either the sixth stage of the casting spirit realm or the seventh stage of the casting spirit realm.

The speed of this promotion, this strength can resist the wheel fight between the Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong, if you continue to allow the Qianhuan Academy to grow, it will be worth it.

Fortunately, after this five-star power ranking competition, Thousand Fantasy Academy will not exist on Cangyuan Continent.

"Okay, everyone is here. The city owner announced that this five-star power competition will start now, everyone please!"

After the City Lord of Star City and the Great Elder said two scenes, they walked to the entrance of the Heavenly Pole Valley and announced loudly.

Following the announcement of the city lord of the Star City, the people of Xuan Yuezong, Ye Family, Pangu Sect, and Lihunzong rushed to enter the Tianji Valley at the fastest speed.

Although the ranking of the five-star power is related to the priority of the family and the sect in the future sharing of cultivation resources in the mainland.

And the ranking of the family or sect is related to everyone's vital interests.

What's more, another Thousand Fantasy Academy has been added this year, and the five-star power of Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong may not be able to keep.

Therefore, the fifty seeded players of the four forces all wanted to take the lead and hunt down one more monster to increase their chances of winning.

After the two hundred seeded players from the four forces entered the Tianji Valley, a dozen old men from the four forces simultaneously took a look at Qianhuan Academy.

They did not enter the celestial valley, but quickly disappeared into the dense forest near the celestial valley.

The city lord of the Star City also said quickly: "Two elders, everyone, this city lord retire first. According to the rules, five days later is the deadline for the five-star power hegemony. See you then."

After speaking, his figure was as fast as a wind, and he quickly disappeared with more than 20 subordinates in the late stage of the 9th-stage spirit casting realm.

At the entrance of Tianji Valley, only a group of people from Qianhuan Academy were left.

Shi Feng thoughtfully: " do I feel that the city lord of the Star City, as well as the old men of other forces, look strange in our eyes, as if there is some conspiracy."

I have to say that his hunch is true.

"What are you afraid of? All conspiracies and tricks are clouds in the face of strength."

Feng Yunqi didn't care at all. These days, the continuous defeat of Ye Family and Xuan Yuezong gave him great confidence and courage.

Besides, there is an Emperor Lingtian behind them.

Wu Qianyong reminded the blindly optimistic and self-confident Feng Yunqi: "Ah, don't forget, those subordinates of the City Lord of the Star City who were in the late stage 9th stage of the Spirit-Forging Realm, and more than a dozen of the four forces of the 9th-stage Great Perfection of the Spirit Realm. Elder Sovereign, if the four forces and these people join together, we will be bad. Moreover, there are more than this group of masters in the late stage 9th stage of the Spirit Casting Realm under the Star City City Lord."

Unless his boss is in danger, Di Lingtian might not be able to take action.

Even if his boss is in danger, he will save Emperor Mo Phoenix. As for the others, coughing cough, he might just ignore it.

Therefore, everything depends on them.

Hearing Shi Feng, Feng Yunqi had a conversation with Wu Qianyong and the others, and the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy showed solemn expressions.

Upon seeing this, Jun Mohuang said lightly, "Don't worry, just proceed with caution."

(End of this chapter)

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