Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 920: Jun Mohuang will lose? 5

Chapter 920, Jun Mohuang must be defeated? 5

Upon seeing this, many people began to praise Jun Mohuang in various ways, and at the same time guessed what her hidden talent was.

There are also people who usually don't agree with Ling Xiaozong, who speak very rudely.

"Ahem, I said, this Pei Ze, who is known as the ninth level of the casting spirit realm, shouldn't be a parallel import."

"It's very possible. Otherwise, how could it be so long to deal with a Jun Mohuang. But this also proves that Jun Mohuang is really powerful!"

After all, the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy had all awakened their hidden talents, and the defeat of the disciple of the High Heaven Sect had only recently ended. Maybe Jun Mohuang had great hidden talents and could equalize a round.

Even if they admire Jun Mohuang in their hearts, they can't imagine that Jun Mohuang can win.

After all, it is too difficult to defeat a ninth-level casting spirit realm.

"Pei Ze, don't delay any longer, kill this stinky girl as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Sect Master Peng of Ling Xiaozong was so angry that he couldn't even sit on his seat, and immediately stood up and shouted at Pei Ze.

If it weren't for the enchantment on the high platform, he would have jumped below the high platform and beat Jun Mohuang to death with one palm.

Pei Ze was also angry in his heart. He originally thought he could easily kill Jun Mohuang, but he didn't expect that the palm wind was not enough, and the spiritual energy blade could not help her.

After so long, and still being questioned by the audience as parallel imports, Pei Ze has never suffered such insults in his life.

"Smelly girl, your good luck is coming to an end!"

Pei Ze pressed the corners of his lips tightly. This time even Sect Master Peng didn't want to respond to what Sect Master Peng said, but after a vicious look at Jun Mohuang, he immediately lifted his whole body's spiritual energy and raised his palm.

A long snake phantom composed of spiritual energy suddenly appeared from his palm.

This time the long snake phantom was five meters in length and half a meter in diameter. As soon as it appeared in the air, it opened its mouth and made a hiss at Jun Mohuang. The body was like a dragon, and the snake swayed towards Jun Mohuang.

"It's actually a mysterious level technique-the hidden shadow of the snake!"

"It's amazing. The hidden shadow of the snake is also one of the top three in the mysterious level practice. I heard that it is extremely difficult to cultivate. When practicing, you need to be with the python at all times to simulate the form of the python. Many want to practice this skill. The geniuses of Fa are buried in snakes' belly."

"It seems that Pei Ze's strength in the early stage of the 9th-stage Spirit Casting Realm is indeed well-deserved. Now Jun Mohuang is in danger!"

When everyone in the audience saw the long snake phantom in the sky, many people recognized its origin, and their complexions changed suddenly.

The python of the Cangyuan Continent is a kind of beast. In addition to being agile, it is also known for its extremely fast speed and good at ambushing prey among electric light flint.

The hidden shadow of the snake, as the name suggests, in addition to simulating the shape of the python in Warcraft, it also simulates the speed and flexibility of the python.

Once a person is within three meters of the Long Snake Phantom, he will immediately be ambushed by the Long Snake Phantom, and his whole body will lose all aura and strength, only to be strangled to death.

The phantom of the snake is extremely fast, it can ambush the prey 100% within three meters, and it is usually impossible to defend against. Often, the phantom of the snake has been entangled by the phantom of the snake before it is played.

If you are unlucky enough to be entangled by the long snake, there is no way to get rid of it, so everyone thinks that Jun Mohuang is over.

As soon as their words fell, Pei Ze's long snake phantom was already less than three meters away from Jun Mohuang.

Seeing that the long snake needs a twist of its tail in the air, it has already entangled Jun Mohuang's petite body in an instant.

As soon as the body of the long snake phantom entangled her, the transparent body immediately turned black, directly submerging Jun Mohuang's entire body.

(End of this chapter)

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