Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 919: Jun Mohuang will lose? 4

Chapter 919 Jun Mohuang will lose? 4

Jun Mohuang's attacking momentum was not weak at all, Pei Ze was surprised, and the speed of his body quickly evaded her attack.

"Huh, little girl, I didn't think you really had a chance. But then, you won't be so lucky."

Pei Ze snorted coldly, and Jun Mohuang avoided his attack, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.

Then he intensified the offensive in his hand, and another palm wind attacked Jun Mohuang.

In the second attack, Jun Mohuang still evaded unscathed, and returned Pei Ze's same palm.

The third time, the fourth time, and the fifth time.

The two are light and fast, everyone under the high platform only feels that the two cyan and red figures on the stage are as elegant as two clouds.

The two of you came and went on stage, and they had fought each other for more than ten rounds.

Jun Mohuang still smiled, not to mention that Pei Ze was going to kill her, even one of her hair or the corner of her clothes was not touched.

Seeing this, the people at Thousand Fantasy Academy gradually relaxed.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of other bystanders, all wondering why Jun Mohuang could support Pei Ze for so many rounds without any damage.

"Pei Ze, don't kill her soon!"

Sect Master Peng of the High Heaven Sect was so angry that all forty-nine disciples of the High Heaven Sect were defeated by the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

And now, the chief disciple of the dignified Lingxiaozong, Pei Ze, who was in the early stage of the 9th-stage Spirit Realm, had spent more than ten rounds dealing with Emperor Mohuang without hurting anyone.

Sect Master Peng now only feels that his face has been lost to outer space.

"Yes, Lord Sovereign!"

Hearing the instructions of Sect Master Peng, Pei Ze felt a fire in his heart, and his hand pushed violently. A large amount of spiritual energy came out of his palm, turning into a ten-meter-long spiritual energy blade and slashed towards Jun Mohuang.

The attack power of the Aura Blade is several times stronger than the palm wind.

Hmph, Jun Mohuang was lucky enough to escape under his palm, it is absolutely impossible to escape from his spiritual energy blade!

But this time Pei Ze made a mistake again. In the face of his aura blade attack, Jun Mohuang not only avoided the first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time...

Until the ninth time, she dodged lightly and dexterously, and she still had room to fire back with the same size aura blade.

Anxiously, Pei Ze began to increase the number of aura blades to three, five, and seven in a row... and even later, it has evolved to more than twenty aura blades in a row.

Naturally, Jun Mohuang did not show any weakness, each time he fought back with the same number and level of aura blades.

On the high platform, the spiritual energy blades emitted by the two people flew all over the sky, hitting the high platform and the enchantment, making a "rumbling" sound, splashing countless small stone chips.

Among the dense aura blades, the figures of Jun Mohuang and Pei Ze flexibly shuttled between them, and they were not hurt by an aura blade.

Many bystanders in the audience could not help but squeeze a cold sweat upon seeing this scene.

If the person on the high platform were replaced by himself, he would have been cut into pieces by the dense net of spiritual energy blades.

But Jun Mohuang and Pei Ze are now unscathed, and they have to be admired.

Pei Ze is okay. After all, he is the ninth level of the casting spirit realm. Jun Mohuang can do this, and it makes them admire, shouting for miracles.

"Wow, Jun Mohuang is so powerful! It was even tied with Pei Ze of the 9th-level Spirit Casting Realm! It's just my idol!"

"Yes, it's amazing, even better than Pei Ze. She must have awakened a very powerful talent."

(End of this chapter)

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