Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 921: Jun Mohuang will lose? 6

Chapter 921 Jun Mohuang will lose? 6

I saw the long snake phantom creeping slowly, and began to tighten his body inward.

"Oh, no help."

When everyone in the audience saw this, it was a pity that Jun Mohuang was in their hearts.

It is a pity that although she is not high in strength, she is very powerful in reaching out. It is a pity that she is still young and will die on a high platform today.


"School girl!"

Seeing this, all the colleges of the Thousand Fantasy Academy looked terrified.

Zi Shuilan eagerly stepped forward and was about to say something, turning his head to see Di Lingtian's calm face.

The corner of his lips even evoked a playful smile, and he couldn't help but let go, stopped and swallowed the words back into his mouth.

The people of Ling Xiaozong were happy to go to Meishao. Seeing that Pei Ze had solved the problem, Sect Master Peng finally sat back in his position.

Fortunately, there is no need to be embarrassed anymore. If you still can't deal with Jun Mohuang, then Ling Xiaozong's face really won't be picked up for a lifetime.

Under the high platform, Pei Ze looked triumphantly at the tightening phantom of the snake.

This stinky girl is flexible and clever, her strength is a mystery.

Although Jun Mohuang deliberately suppressed her strength, others couldn't tell, Pei Ze played against her, he had long suspected that her strength was not limited to the first level of the Spirit Realm.

It should be above the seventh stage of the Forge Spirit Realm, and he couldn't tell the specific stage.

If this woman does not die now, let her grow up in the future, and the decision is an extremely difficult enemy.

But even so, what's the matter, now she is not strong enough, and when she encounters the hidden shadow of his spirit snake, she can't resist a single move.

"Hahaha, Thousand Fantasy Academy, nothing more than that!"

Pei Ze laughed triumphantly, his laughter hadn't disappeared yet, and a sudden strong attack came from behind his vest.

The gang wind was violent, and the spirit screamed, and Pei Ze's vest suddenly felt a chill.

This is a sign of extreme danger!

Pei Ze's heart was stunned, Jun Mohuang was already bound by the long snake phantom, and on the high platform, he was clearly left alone!

Who made this attack! ?

He didn't have time to think about what was going on, he turned around and dodged quickly.

A phantom of the phoenix passed by Pei Ze, and flew towards the phantom of the long snake that still enveloped Jun Mohuang.

The phoenix phantom stretched out its sharp beak and bit on the seven inches of the long snake phantom.

The long snake phantom was attacked by seven inches, and immediately turned into countless spiritual energy and dissipated in the air.

Everyone suddenly found that the place where the long snake phantom disappeared was empty, and there was no figure of Jun Mohuang inside.

"Your Sect Master didn't tell you that you must not relax your vigilance when you don't see the enemy's corpse in the battle. You don't know this in common sense during the battle. It seems that Lingxiaozong is nothing more than that."

I saw that Jun Mohuang, whom everyone thought should be tightly entangled by the long snake phantom at this time, suddenly appeared behind Pei Ze out of thin air.

"Also, it's just a cultivation technique, not just you."

Bai Nen raised his little hand, and another phoenix phantom violently attacked Pei Ze's vest.

At the same time, the first one tilted the wings of the phoenix phantom of the spirit snake phantom, turned his graceful posture, and rushed towards Pei Ze violently.

Pei Ze, who originally thought that Jun Mohuang was dead and that he would win, is now in a two-sided attack, and is in a very bad situation.

His heart jumped violently, and he couldn't even think about how Jun Mohuang escaped from his long snake phantom. With both palms sent together, two long snake phantom shadows appeared out of thin air, one behind the other, each wrapped in two. The phantom of the Phoenix attacked.

"This...this... it turns out that her hidden talent turned out to be clone art!"

(End of this chapter)

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