Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 918: Jun Mohuang will lose? 3

Chapter 918, Jun Mohuang will lose? 3

While Pei Ze was looking at Jun Mohuang, Jun Mohuang was also looking at him, and the power of induction gathered in her pupils.

This person breathes, his heartbeat is exceptionally steady, his whole body circulates smoothly, and his limbs, bones and meridians are tougher than ordinary people.

The aura of the whole body was stained with a layer of black, making him look even more weird.

If she didn't guess wrong, this person must have practice in her practice, or a vicious and weird practice.

Pei Ze just glanced at Jun Mohuang, then smiled contemptuously, and turned away from his eyes.

Jun Mohuang is only the first-order strength of the forging spirit realm, he is fundamentally ashamed of working with such waste.

If it wasn't for those disciples of Ling Xiaozong who were too **** and needed him to save face, he would not even bother to look at this rubbish.

"Hey, what is your attitude, show respect!"

When Feng Yunqi saw Pei Ze's contemptuous eyes, he immediately exploded.

Pei Ze just glanced at Feng Yunqi faintly, and Feng Yunqi met his insidious eyes, suddenly having the illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

My scalp was numb, my heart felt cold, and I couldn't help but step back.

Jun Mohuang put his hand on Feng Yunqi's waistcoat and slapped him, and he recovered like a dream.

"Mo Huang, have to be careful, I always think this person is extremely difficult and difficult to deal with."

Zi Shuilan looked worried, he wanted to persuade Jun Mohuang to give up and not take risks.

But thinking of the jealousy between him and Di Lingtian some time ago, Zi Shuilan's words came to her lips, so she changed her rhetoric.

"Don't worry, Ling Tian is here, nothing will happen."

Jun Mohuang smiled disapprovingly, and then glanced at Di Lingtian beside him.

"Go, play whatever you want, tell me if you can't support it."

Di Lingtian stretched out her hand and stroked her hair, obviously her trust in him made him very happy.

There was a tacit understanding between the two, Zi Shuilan felt even more bitter when he saw it.

Di Lingtian always looked at him provocatively at such times before.

Ever since the jealous emperor Ling Tian defeated him that time, he didn't bother to provoke a demonstration and didn't treat him as a rival in love.

Of course Jun Mohuang didn't know Zi Shuilan's inner drama. After nodding to Di Lingtian, she walked onto the high platform.

The staff next to the high platform, seeing the two in place, immediately opened the barrier.

As soon as the enchantment enveloped the high platform, Pei Ze didn't hesitate at all, with his palm-shaped hands, he slashed towards Jun Mohuang.

As the only ninth-level powerhouse in the young generation of the Lingxiaozong, he regarded himself very highly, and he felt extremely embarrassed in the life and death match with Jun Mohuang.

Since this meeting has started, it must be done quickly, and one move will kill Jun Mohuang under the high platform, so that people will not be laughed at in the future.

Pei Ze's palm was sharp, and his palm was like lightning. In a blink of an eye, there was only ten centimeters away from her chest.

Not to mention the Monarch Mohuang of the first-order spirit realm, and the powerhouses of the seventh or eighth-order spirit realm can hardly escape this palm.

So he is full of confidence in his own strength, confident that a single palm can kill her.

In the face of Pei Ze's sudden palm, Jun Mohuang's lips twitched lightly, and as the palm of the wind whizzed, she was light and turned sideways, easily avoiding Pei Ze's attack, and jumped behind him.

Pei Ze slapped his hand in the air, feeling very surprised in his heart, and suddenly heard a woman's crisp laughter from behind.

"Hey, where are you going, this girl is behind you."

Along with this laughter, a burst of energy rushed toward his vest.

The update is complete today~~

(End of this chapter)

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