Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 887: Jun Mohuang in the runaway 3

Chapter 887: Jun Mo Phoenix in the Runaway 3

An Shi waved his hand, and immediately five disciples of Ling Xiaozong stepped forward.

One of them bears the brunt.

But before his claws hit Jun Mohuang's shoulder, he suddenly saw a cold flash in his eyes, followed by a sharp pain in his heart.

The man looked down blankly, a dagger had been inserted into his heart, leaving only a dagger handle, countless blood spewed out along the wound and stained the floor under his feet.

The snow-white marble floor with red blood is particularly dazzling.

The man only felt that his whole body was quickly cold, then he glared at him, fell down, his eyes turned white and died.

Jun Mohuang had already got up, the sharp dagger in his wrist flipped, and it was quickly inserted into the second person's chest.

Her movements are fast, accurate and ruthless, her figure is as fast as an afterimage, and every knife takes the key.

But within five seconds, the five Ling Xiaozong disciples who were going to grab people and kowtow had all turned into corpses.


The customers of Lang Linlou were panicked, but it was not that they had never seen a murder.

It was the first-order Jun Mohuang of the Spirit Casting Realm. In just five seconds, he killed five Lingyun Sect disciples with five swords.

You know that these five disciples of the High Heaven Sect, but there are two sixth-level casting spirit realm, and three seventh-level casting spirit realm.

Even if you fight with people of the same strength, you still have to fight dozens of rounds before you can tell the winner.

Now he was killed by a single knife, which is simply incredible!

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up, you can't handle a few wastes, it's a shame!"

Qiulin and An Shi were surprised, and at the same time a very bad premonition arose.

But they tried their best to suppress this feeling because of the face of themselves and Ling Xiaozong.

Five more disciples of Ling Xiaozong stepped forward, but as before, the five of them were quickly stabbed to death five times by Jun Mohuang.

When the remaining disciples of Ling Xiaozong saw this, they immediately ran away.

Even the six who supported the three elders of Feiyunzong, ignored the three, and left the three old men and ran away.

No one cares about the screams of the three elders who fell to the ground from behind.

Jun Mohuang was furious, holding a dagger in his right hand, and with a wave of his left hand, several silver needles drew a sharp arc in the air.

The few people who had just ran to the gate became stiff, and suddenly fell to the ground, their noses and faces swollen.

"Useless things, let this lady take care of you!"

An Shi saw blood all over the hall, and a fear suddenly rose in her heart.

But she quickly suppressed the emotion of fear, she didn't believe that she was a strong man of the seventh stage of the spirit casting realm, and she could not beat a stinky girl of the first stage of the spirit casting realm!

"Junior sister, together!"

Qiulin took out the weapon from the space ring, his mind was the same as An Shi's idea.

But he was more cautious than An Shi, and the reason why Guanjun Mohuang suddenly broke out, kill him first.

He Qiulin is not one of the top in the Lingxiao Sect, but he can also be ranked in the top five.

Therefore, Qiulin is extremely confident in himself, not to mention joining hands with An Shi.

The customers in the lobby on the first floor thought the same way. They shook their heads at the same time, and Jun Mohuang dared to fight against Ling Xiaozong. Isn't this trying to kill himself?

Poor such a beautiful girl!

This kind of thought in their hearts flashed through their hearts, but they only felt a flower in front of them, and a violent spiritual wave exploded.

It exploded in their eyes. When they came back to their senses, Qiulin and An Shi, who rushed forward to attack Jun Mohuang, were already lying on the ground in embarrassment, vomiting blood in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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