Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 886: Jun Mohuang in the runaway 2

Chapter 886: Jun Mohuang in the runaway 2

Qiulin said, waving a big hand and shouting loudly.

"Come here, bring all the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy."

As soon as Qiulin's words fell, at the gate of Linlanglou just now, more than a dozen people grabbed ten people and entered.

With a wave of their arm, they threw these ten people on the hall like a dead pig.

The ten people with messy hair and clothes, with blood on their bodies, struggled to get up after being thrown on the ground, but they were still unable to succeed.

Even though their hair covered their faces, Jun Mohuang and Dou Zilin recognized them for the first time. These ten people were all students of Qianhuan Academy.

Among them are Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong, Shi Feng, Yuan Kun, Ying Chen and Meng Yu.

Among the ten of them, the real strength is the sixth rank of the forging spirit realm.

There are a total of twelve people in the sixth stage of the casting spirit realm in the Qianhuan Academy. Jun Mohuang will Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong, and Shi Feng's hair on his face was lifted, only to see the flesh and blood on the foreheads of the three of them.

Dou Zilin and the others also lifted the hair from the foreheads of the other seven, and the seven of them were also bloody.

Not only that, they all had blood on the corners of their lips and sunken chests, and they were obviously seriously injured.

"Boss, it hurts, it hurts."

Seeing Jun Mohuang, Feng Yunqi couldn't help but exhale in pain.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt if you take the pill first."

Don't look at Feng Yunqi's careless personality and bluffing personality, but if it weren't for the extreme pain, he would never say it.

As early as the moment Jun Mohuang's hand touched Feng Yunqi's body, she discovered that Feng Yunqi's body was seriously injured and his mind was lost.

As long as the people of the Lingxiaozong squat a few more heads, his consciousness will be disintegrated, and even she can't be saved.

Once a cultivator loses consciousness, it means that he will become a fool for life, not to mention cultivation, and he can't even take care of himself in a normal life.

There was a violent storm in Jun Mohuang's eyes, and a violent atmosphere continued to grow in his heart.

Why do these people want to hurt the people she cares about over and over again!

The black flame entrenched on her Qihai Lingtai, aware of the master's emotions, suddenly turned into a black fire, covering all the eight layers of Lingtai.

An inexplicable hatred, as the violent air in her heart continued to rise, she had an urge to kill all the members of the Lingxiaozong.

Jun Mohuang resisted this desire to kill, and took out ten pills. Several female students took the pills from her and fed them to others.

"Everyone, these ten people are all students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy. Because they refused to apologize to the three elders of Feiyun Sect, our Lingxiao Sect had to grab the hair of these ten people and help them kowtow. These ten people have always been stubborn. If it doesn't work, if you refuse to apologize and admit your mistakes, then our Ling Xiao Sect can only give them some color to see, and let these people know how powerful our Ling Xiao Sect is."

Seeing the tragic situation of the ten students, Qiulin said proudly.

"Yes, as it should be."

In a place like Star City, where the weak and the strong eat, other customers will not think that Ling Xiaozong has done too much, but will applaud in their hearts.

"Hmph, see, this is the end of not kowtow apologizing! You guys, go grab those stinky girls, grab their hair and help them kowtow until they take the initiative to apologize to the three elders and admit their mistakes! Especially! That stinky girl in red, this lady wants her to knock a thousand times, no, ten thousand times!"

(End of this chapter)

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