Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 888: Jun Mohuang in the runaway 4

Chapter 888: Jun Mo Phoenix in the Runaway 4

Under this hatred and anger, Jun Mohuang's spiritual energy greatly increased, and his body was lighter and lighter than ever before, and he had endless strength.

When Qiu Lin and An Shi attacked, she waved her hands at random without consuming a lot of spiritual energy. Two phantoms of the nine feathers of the phoenix were easily swung out at the same time, and they hit the two chests with lightning speed, and directly hit them. Flew, then fell to the ground.

If in her usual situation, even after reaching the eighth rank, sending out two nine-feather phoenix phantoms at the same time would consume a quarter of the aura in the body, how could it be as easy as now.

Jun Mohuang didn't care about the two of them. She stepped forward and took out two gleaming long swords and put them on the necks of two of the customers.

"Grab the two people, grab their hair and help them kowtow until they take the initiative to apologize to the people from the Thousand Fantasy Academy! No, I will kowtow 10,000 heads first."

These two people were just two of the two most ruthless customers of the Thousand Fantasy Academy who had just helped out and satirized them.

"Yes, yes, yes, we will do it right away."

The two customers felt the icy cold of the sharp sword on their necks, and their legs were trembling. The irony of Qianhuan Academy disappeared without a trace.

Jun Mohuang cleanly killed ten people first. They had no doubt that if they didn't follow suit, Jun Mohuang would really chop their necks twice.

The two customers hurried forward, grabbed Qiulin and An Shi's hair, and knocked to the ground.

" are bold, you dare to insult Ling Xiaozong, stop!"

An Shi's hair was grabbed, and her body was weak under the severe injuries, she could only shout in panic, trying to prevent herself from being humiliated with the might of Ling Xiaozong.

Qiulin also threatened loudly: "Yes, you two dare to help this stinky girl bully us, and Ling Xiaozong will make your two powers look good!"

When the two customers heard this threat, their hands trembled even more.

The sect where the two of them belonged is also a four-star power, but only ranks at the bottom of the four-star power, which is far behind the Lingxiaozong. Of course they are afraid of the Lingxiaozong.

But there is a long sword of Jun Mohuang on his neck. If you don't do it, your neck will fall.

The two looked at each other, and their men tremblingly pressed Qiulin and An Shi's heads to the floor.

The strength was so light that he didn't even make a sound.

"Don't want to be lazy, if I feel weaker for a while, your heads will fall."

Jun Mohuang kicked the two of them, and the long sword in his hand tightened.

The sharp blade slashed the skin and flesh, and a red blood line ran down and dripped onto the floor.

As long as Jun Mohuang's wrists work harder, they can immediately cut off their neck arteries.

Humph, thought she didn't know what the two customers were thinking about.

Isn't it just being afraid of Ling Xiaozong, and wanting to fool around in front of her to save his life?

"Yes, yes, the younger ones do it right away."

The two guests did not dare to be lazy again this time, and their subordinates suddenly tried their best.

With two "bangs", Qiulin and An Shi's foreheads knocked on the marble floor, and the two brothers and sisters screamed in the back hall at the same time.

The two of them were seriously injured, they suffered a gravity blow to their heads, their brains shook, and they almost fainted in darkness.

Because of fear of death, the two threatened guests kept moving, grabbing their heads and bumping them on the floor.

Regardless of what Ling Xiaozong threatened, it was most important to save his life first.

(End of this chapter)

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