Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 882: Poor

Chapter 882 Poor Ghost

"You... sister, what else do you have."

Ye Xueman thought in her heart that these scammers were beaten three years ago and still don't know how to repent. Now, taking advantage of this year's Star Power Ranking Tournament, they have come out to bluff and deceive. I don't know how many innocent people have been cheated during this time.

She had to go back to Ye's house quickly to mobilize the people, and then catch these people for a while, it is bound to make them swear blood, never be fakes and deceive people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Xueman wanted to leave, Jun Mohuang grabbed her wrist.

As soon as Jun Mohuang's fingertips touched her wrist, he noticed a burst of coldness, and the power of induction was sent into her body, and the whole person was like an ice cellar.

In Ye Xueman's sea of ​​air, there is no Lingtai at all. Instead, there is a huge iceberg. The blue and faint ice layer is piled up to form an iceberg, which is continuously releasing cold air.

After Jun Mohuang found out, he immediately released her hand.

Then faintly smiled and said, "Soaking in water with the rhizome of Chiyancao every day can alleviate your symptoms, and you will not be so cold in the future. This is a thank you for today's event.

"Thank you... My sister, how do you know I'm sick?"

Ye Xueman widened his eyes, and looked at Jun Mohuang curiously.

The girl in front of her has a beautiful and exquisite face, her fair and snowy skin, and her long eyelashes are unforgettable.

She touched her wrist and knew that she had a physical problem, which was amazing.

Every time a pharmacist like the Second Elder gave her a diagnosis, he had to keep his pulse on for several minutes.

Moreover, Jun Mohuang realized that she was suffering from cold poison, but did not explain it to the public. It was obviously keeping her secret, and Ye Xueman was very grateful to her.

When Dou Zilin and others saw Ye Xueman's surprised expression, they pursed their lips and smiled, their faces slightly glamorous.

Jun Mohuang is the pride of the Thousand Fantasy Academy. He has developed many miraculous medicines. It is so strange that you can see the symptoms by touching a person.

Jun Mohuang just smiled, of course she would not answer this question.

After Dou Zilin and others apologized to Ye Xueman, they said goodbye to her.

Ye Xueman was anxious to go back to mobilize people to clean up those who were selling fake gems, and was shocked by Jun Mohuang's medical skills. In a hurry, he even forgot to ask Jun Mohuang's name and power.

It wasn't until the separation from the two sides that Ye Xueman took a few steps before suddenly patted his forehead and cursed himself stupidly.

That beautiful and unspeakable sister has such a high level of medical skills, she should just ask her identity and ask her to treat herself, so that she will suffer less in the future.

But Ye Xueman turned around and saw that there was a crowd on the street, where there was Jun Mohuang's figure.


After Jun Mohuang and Ye Xueman separated, everyone didn't know the identity of each other, Ye Xueman forgot to ask.

Jun Mohuang and Dou Zilin were based on the principle that more is worse than less, and they deliberately do not ask.

Everyone continued to go shopping and arrived at the Wancui Pavilion and Linlang Tower that Ye Xueman said.

The shops of these two houses are very large and directly occupy the three-story building.

The lobby on the first floor is luxuriously furnished, and all the gems are placed in transparent glass cabinets.

The halo of all kinds of gems and the pearl of Ye Ming dazzled each other. Only the jewel can describe the scene in front of you, and the halos in front of everyone are dazzling.

Customers coming and going are dressed luxuriously, and even the staff in charge of reception are well-dressed.

The clothes of Jun Mohuang and the others are considered good among normal people, but once they arrive in a place like Linlanglou, they are not enough to look at them.

The update is complete today.

(End of this chapter)

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