Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 881: Amazing coincidence 3

Chapter 881 A wonderful coincidence 3

An invisible force followed her fingertips into the sapphire.

Her previous sensing power can sense various metal ores and various medicinal materials.

During the training in the Spirit Medicine Garden some time ago, Jun Mohuang's power of induction increased sharply for unknown reasons.

Now she can sense not only metal ores and medicinal materials, but also other things, even people.

A few seconds after the power of induction was injected into this gem, Jun Mohuang realized that the thing was a fake.

She was about to open her mouth to reveal, a loud voice suddenly came from her side: "Don't buy a few sisters and sisters, this person's gems are fake!"

Everyone flees, the speaker is a woman.

She is gorgeously dressed, her face is beautiful and clear, and her eyes are pure as a spring, without any impurities.

His face turned red because of the rush, standing beside Jun Mohuang, breathing constantly

There was a hint of coldness in the heat that she kicked.

Jun Mohuang's five senses have always been sharp, and he immediately noticed this detail, and immediately raised his brows, which was interesting.

This woman officially rescued Yao Xuan's Ye Xueman by mistake.

Yao Xuan refused to tell her who hurt him, and she was always upset.

But later when I heard Yao Xuan mistakenly thought that the Ye family was a weak force without a star, and didn't want to harm the Ye family, Ye Xueman was happy.

When she was happy, she was particularly distressed about Yao Xuan's tragic experience, so she simply ran out to administer Xuan personally to purchase the unique tonic medicinal materials of Sky Star City.

Only when he got to this street, Ye Xueman saw Jun Mohuang and Dou Zilin and other female students walking to a gem booth, and everyone except Jun Mohuang was very excited.

Ye Xueman squeezed her fist, and a sense of justice came to her heart.

Three years ago, she came to Star City for the first time and found that many unscrupulous merchants in the city used fake gems as real gems to sell to people from the major forces who came to Star City for the first time.

Even if these fakes are fake, most people can't tell them, but Ye Xueman has a five-star bloodline, and he can see that these are fakes at a glance.

She is kind by nature and can't see such deceptive activities.

So he brought the Ye family members to arrest these scammers and beat them. After these scammers repeatedly promised that they would not lie to others again, Ye Xueman was kind and soft-hearted, and let them go after they were beaten pitifully.

Unexpectedly, these scammers are still using fakes to cheat.

Ye Xueman was afraid that Jun Mohuang and the others would be fooled, so he hurried up to stop it.

Fortunately, she is not slow, just in time.

The stall owner saw Ye Xueman suddenly appear, and was even more frightened.

Damn, why is the broom star of the Ye family's bad guy coming back? He doesn't want to be beaten up like three years ago, and then all the money he earned will be confiscated!

The stall owner went directly to the stall and ran away.

Dou Zilin and the other female students were a little skeptical at first, but seeing the reaction of the stall owner, they knew that these gems must be fakes.

They were about to do it, Jun Mohuang flipped his wrist, and two silver needles quickly pierced under the stall owner's knees.

The stall owner softened his legs and threw himself to the ground with a thud.

The other gem-buying vendors on this street could see the movement here and hurriedly do things.

"Sisters and sisters need to pay attention. There are many people selling fake gems in Star City. If you want to buy gems, you can go to Linlang Tower and Wancui Pavilion in the city. The gems there are a bit expensive, but they are all real. "

Ye Xueman reminded Jun Mohuang and the others that they were about to leave, but Jun Mohuang's wrist was pinched.

(End of this chapter)

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