Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 883: Poor Ghost 2

Chapter 883 Poor Ghost 2

Here, the size of a small fingernail, and the average color of gemstones also cost 200 pieces of amethyst.

Each of them only had three hundred pieces of amethyst, and they were all reluctant to spend two hundred at once.

"Yes, school girl, it's too expensive, let's go back."

Dou Zilin glanced enviously at the various beautiful gems in the glazed cabinet, pulled the sleeves of Jun Mohuang, and whispered.

Other female students also whispered: "Yes, school girl, the gems here are so expensive."

In fact, since they stepped into the lobby on the first floor of Linlanglou, they wanted to leave when they saw the magnificent sight here.

Although they were all born in the Southern Territory Family, compared with the customers who entered and exited Linlanglou, the Southern Territory Family was nothing.

If it weren't for Ye Xueman's sincere expression when she recommended this place at the time, they would have doubted that she recommended this place to deliberately insult them.

Jun Mohuang said, "What are you afraid of? What do the senior sisters like? Just pick and I will pay the bill."

"Hmph, a group of poor sour ghosts, knowing that they can't afford to go because they are poor, they are kind of self-aware."

As soon as Jun Mohuang's words fell, Dou Zilin and the others had not had time to speak back, and a satirical male voice rang in the ears of several people, and the words spoken were particularly harsh.

A young man with gorgeous clothes and a handsome face stood not far from Jun Mohuang and others, his face full of mockery.

Next to the young man was a charming woman.

She was equally well-dressed, and her expression looked at everyone with a deep disdain.

Four golden six-pointed stars are embroidered on their collars.

As soon as the young man's voice fell, the woman took over and said in a mocking tone:

"What the brother said is, but among this group of poor and sour ghosts, there is one person who has no self-knowledge. The clothes are poor at first sight, but I want to swell my face here and say that I have money to afford it. !"

She said that there is no self-knowledge poor ghost, of course it refers to Jun Mohuang.

"What nonsense are you talking about, shut up!"

It's okay for these two people to jump out and insult them, but if you insult Jun Mohuang, you absolutely don't believe it.

Rao is Dou Zilin with a gentle personality, and she couldn't help but explode when she heard the woman's words.

"Hmph, our brothers and sisters are not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, listen to it yourself and see what everyone says."

The woman looked at Dou Zilin and Jun Mohuang with a slight expression.

People came and went in the lobby on the first floor of Linlang Pavilion, and the loud taunting words of these two people instantly attracted the attention of all customers.

They glanced at Jun Mohuang, Dou Zilin and the others, and began to whisper to each other, constantly talking.

"Ah, although these two people said too much, but the girls' clothes are indeed not very good, they must be unable to afford it."

"Young people, good face, it's good to talk big, but I can't afford it, and I want to make a swollen face to fill a fat man, which is wrong."

This kind of remarks was pretty good. These customers saw that their clothes were the worst among everyone, and their strength was horribly low, so all kinds of insults and mockery continued.

"Cut, Linlang Pavilion is also a place where such poor ghosts can come. Those who know you should leave quickly and buy fakes from the roadside stalls you can afford."

"These little **** can't afford to come in yet, shouldn't they come here to steal! I suggest that Linlanglou should investigate this matter carefully."

Dou Zilin and the other three female students blushed when they heard the comments from many guests.

(End of this chapter)

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