Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 863: Feiyunzong messing up 1

Chapter 863


Suddenly an old voice sounded behind them, and everyone only felt that there was wind behind them. Looking back, a flying beast with a full wingspan of 15 meters in diameter landed from the sky.

This flying beast is a ten-winged flame wind eagle, much larger than the eight-winged flame wind eagle that everyone in Thousand Fantasy Academy rides.

After the ten-winged flaming wind eagle stopped, a group of young people in beautiful clothes jumped down.

On the collar are embroidered with three golden six-pointed stars. Like the Thousand Fantasy Academy, it is a three-star power.

But this group of people was very arrogant, and their eyes looked at Thousand Fantasy Academy with contempt.

Especially the three elders who led the team, simply didn't pay attention to the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The three elders directly led people forward, and the young man behind him unceremoniously squeezed the students from Thousand Fantasy Academy aside.

At the gate of the city, Feng Yunqi, Yuan Kun, Meng Yu and others came to Star City for the first time, and they were looking at the city curiously through the gate.

I noticed someone coming behind me and didn't pay much attention.

After all, they are not standing in the center, these people have a way to go.

Unexpectedly, instead of avoiding them, these people directly ran into them and used auras secretly.

Under the surprise attack, several people had no time to defend, and were directly pushed back seven or eight steps away.

These disciples who smashed people away looked arrogantly at the people in Thousand Fantasy Academy, and a very contemptuous smile appeared on their lips.

Feng Yunqi and the others were angry, and immediately rolled up their sleeves to beat others, but were stopped by the look of the elder.

"Elder Luo, what do you mean!"

Even if the great elder was good, he couldn't help being angry when he saw it.

"Huh, your own students are not strong enough. The disciples of Feiyun Sect passed by them, and they were scared by the prestige of Feiyun Sect disciples, and they couldn't stand still. Great Elder, you actually mean to ask me what I am. meaning."

One of the old men was full of mockery.

"That's right, the old man, if you are the old man, you will just abstain this time. If you don't come to the Star City to participate in the Star Power Contest, you can save your face. Alas, the old man saw you with a bunch of wastes from the first and second tiers of the Forge Spirit Realm. Come to Star City, I feel ashamed for you."

"It's also a pity that your Thousand Fantasy Academy has tens of thousands of years of heritage, and it was actually destroyed in your hands. Great Elder, Feiyun Sect has decided that after the Star Power Ranking Tournament, our Eastern Sang Feiyun Sect will move to your south. The domain is gone. If the Feiyun Sect takes over the Thousand Fantasy Academy, the six elders can take care of them forever."

"Anyway, the six elders of the Thousand Fantasy Academy are dim-eyed, and the students brought out are not as good as each class. It is better not to continue to waste the resources of the Thousand Fantasy Academy and continue to mislead the children."

The other two old men laughed and sang and made peace.

This group of people came from the Eastern Sang Fei Yun Sect.

Although Feiyunzong belongs to the same three-star power as Thousand Fantasy Academy, the Fantasy Academy has taken part in the Star Power Ranking Tournament in recent years, and has regressed significantly.

Last time, I did my best to keep the title of Samsung power. Everyone knows the trend of decline.

Feiyun Sect has the four-star power Lingxiaozong in Dongsang as a backer, and has long coveted the resources of Qianhuan Academy.

This time I saw that the students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy were actually a group of first- and second-tier wastes in the Forge Spirit Realm, and I was even more overjoyed.

The faces of the Great Elder and the Sixth Elders were dull and ugly.

But the two elders sneered afterwards, too lazy to care about the Feiyunzong group.

The update is complete today!

(End of this chapter)

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