Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 864: Lost Dog 1

Chapter 864 Lost Dog 1

The academies of the Thousand Fantasy Academy even glared at the Feiyun Sect people, wishing to roll up their sleeves and step forward to punch people.

But seeing the two elders doing this, they could only swallow this breath.

Feiyunzong, they remembered it.

A group of people with the highest strength and only the sixth-level of the casting spirit realm, and more than half of the people with only the third-order strength of the casting spirit realm dare to be so arrogant.

When waiting for the Star Power Ranking Tournament, these people will definitely be beaten to the ground.

"Hold on."

The old man who was the first to ridicule just now spoke again.

"Thousand Fantasy Academy will definitely not be able to keep the title of the three-star power this time. What qualifications does it have to walk in front of our Feiyun Sect."

As the old man said, he took the Feiyun Sect and walked to the front of the Great Elder, completely squeezing Thousand Fantasy Academy to the back.

He threw a fist-sized purple spar into the hands of the middle-aged steward in charge of reception at the gate of the city.

The middle-aged manager took the amethyst stone, and saw the purple light shining, his black pupils were all purple, and his face showed an extremely flattering look, and he personally welcomed the Feiyun Sect and others.

The elder of the Feiyun Sect threw a fist-sized amethyst directly at the middle-aged steward of the major forces in charge of receiving at the city gate.

"It turns out that the elders of the Feiyun Sect and the disciples of the Guizong have arrived! Alas, all the disciples of the Guizong are so enviable and powerful, all of them are dragons and phoenixes among the people! Please hurry up! , Lord City Lord has long arranged for Guizong to rest in a good courtyard."

More than half of Feiyunzong's young disciples were not strong enough to cast the third rank of the spirit realm.

What strength is good, the dragon and the phoenix among people are obviously flattering words.

But the three elders of Feiyun Sect were very helpful to them, and they rewarded the middle-aged steward with a fist-sized amethyst.

Upon seeing this, a young man under the steward yelled anxiously: "Hey, Master Guan, you are gone, what about the people at Thousand Fantasy Academy?"

"A group of poor ghosts with no money add rubbish, where should they be led, and they have to be in charge of teaching you to fail!"

The middle-aged steward didn't even bother to look at the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy, flatteringly leading the Feiyunzong people into the Star City.

"Hey, hurry up and stay in a daze. The Star City is so big, you will be in trouble if you get lost."

The attitude of middle-aged stewardship made his young people in charge of reception look down on Qianhuan Academy even more.

Everyone at Thousand Fantasy Academy was originally angry, but it was even more annoyed to see this differential treatment.

But seeing that the two elders didn't mean to have a seizure, everyone was not good at seizures, and forced their anger to follow this young man into the city.

At first, everyone was very curious about the city of Stars, and annoyed, even the scenic figures in the city didn't bother to look at it.

After half an hour, the young man led them through the bustling streets one after another, to a residential area with dense courtyards, and stopped in front of one of the courtyard gates.

A wooden sign was hung in front of the gate, and a letter was written: "Thousand Fantasy Academy" in four characters.

The young man pointed his hand casually, his tone contemptuous and arrogant: "This is your residence before the end of the Star Power Ranking Tournament. The things inside are precious. Every plant and tree are extremely precious, and they are all recorded in the book. Don't keep your Thousand Fantasy Academy. Fortunately, I thought I didn't know if I secretly took Star City."

After he finished speaking, regardless of the fact that everyone in the Thousand Fantasy Academy glared at him, they left.

"Hmph, I opened my eyes, there is something valuable in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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