Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 862: Emperor Lingtian: I am sweet 2

Chapter 862 Di Lingtian: I am sweet 2

He doesn't have a temper with her, but he is very picky about other people and things.

He would never wear something like this self-degrading status.

So Jun Mohuang was quite surprised, and immediately teased him with riddles.

Di Lingtian snorted quite proudly and said, "Hmph, I don't wear it, do you look at you and Zi Shuilan wearing a couple models."

"Tsk tsk, it's sour."

Jun Mohuang leaned in his arms and grinned. What is it that she and Zi Shuilan wear a couple style? It is clear that everyone is good or not.

"Sour? I'm obviously very sweet, Huang'er, if you want to taste it."

Di Lingtian lowered his head and leaned over, as if to kiss her.

"Asshole, everyone is here!"

He noticed his warm sniffles spraying on his neck, like a small brush tickling it.

Jun Mohuang hurriedly turned his head and covered his lips with his hand.

Fortunately, she and Di Lingtian were in the back, and the group of Qianhuan Academy was in front.

Everyone had enough of the dog food that the two of them sprinkled, and they all consciously didn't turn around, so no one knew what happened just now.

Jun Mohuang breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the palm of her hand was itchy, Di Lingtian directly kissed the palm of her hand, then took off her little hand and turned her chin around.

"It's okay, they won't know anyway."

Di Lingtian touched her forehead, and the jade-long hand moved from her chin to the back of her head, and Jun Mohuang could no longer escape.

Above the sky, Jun Mohuang's ears were full of wind.

Not far in front are the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy, as long as one of them looks back...

Jun Mohuang couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't even enter the Phoenix Space, he was extremely worried about being discovered.

What she didn't expect was that in this tension, the tactile sensitivity of the whole body was greatly improved.

Jun Mohuang's hands quickly changed from supporting his chest to encircling Di Lingtian's neck.

After a long while, Di Lingtian watched her turn into a small pink face, stroked her red lips with unfulfilled meaning, and asked in a low voice, "Is it sour?"

His eyes were blazing, and his brows and eyes were full of flying looks.

"Not sour!"

Jun Mohuang quickly retracted his hand, twisted his waist heavily, gritted his teeth in the answer.

He was too much, unexpectedly, even behind everyone's back, seduce and lure her.

Even more frightening is that she could not resist this temptation completely.

Jun Mohuang, Jun Mohuang, how proud of your willpower!

"Huang'er, get used to being so shy when we kiss each other. How can we get married after we get married."

Di Lingtian admired her shy face and was in a cheerful mood.

"... asshole!"

The red cloud on Jun Mohuang's small face was heavier, and he twisted it heavily on his waist.

She understood what Di Lingtian's words meant.

Like Jun Mohuang, a dignified 21st century gold medal bounty hunter, what kind of handsome guy has never seen.

But I don't know why, facing Di Lingtian every time she deliberately deceived her like this, she was just like the little deer in her heart, with no momentum.

Jun Mohuang complained about himself ten thousand times in his heart, Ma Dan, when can she turn over!

"Don't worry, they don't know."

Seeing her like this, Di Lingtian knew that Jun Mohuang would have to blow up his hair if he continued to tease him, so he stopped in time and stroked her back comfortably.

Two minutes later, the Star City was already close at hand.

The flying monster controlled by the great elder slowly descended and stopped at one of the city gates.

The Grand Elder took everyone to the gate of the city. The reception staff at the gate of the city asked about the origin of the group, and was about to enlarge the house to enter it, and took the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy to the place arranged in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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