Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 836: Jianren, bitch

Chapter 836 Jianren, Bitch

When the students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy suddenly attacked, Jun Jianren saw that the situation was not right and immediately avoided the crowd. Unexpectedly, these students would ignore him.

Jun Jianren was very fortunate to have recovered a small life. Seeing that all the seeded players of Pharmacist had died, and the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy were arguing about the corpses of these people, and felt that their scalp was numb.

At this time, Jun Mohuang wanted to direct these students to kill him, and Jun Jianren was anxious and frightened, and began to play family cards.

He couldn't figure out why these students suddenly became so powerful. He only knew that the most important thing was to keep their lives.

"Cut, shameless, my boss has nothing to do with your Jun family. Just now when you shouted that the Yao family could pinch us to death with one finger, why didn't you expect to be a family with the boss? This would be life-threatening. It's so shameless to suddenly climb to relatives with a faceless face! Jianren, a bitch, as expected!"

Before Jun Mohuang spoke, Feng Yunqi sneered first.

He was with Jun Mohuang when he was in Illusion Cloud Nation. No one knew the face of Jun's family better than him.

"That's right, the school girl is so powerful, how can there be a silly cousin like you."

"This kind of uselessness is an eye-catching sight, school girl, we left this person specially for you, it would have dirty your hands, we will kill you now, what do you think of school girl!"

Feng Yunqi's words were echoed by other students.

Some students even dropped the corpse in their hands, drew out their swords and headed towards Jun Jianren.

"Kill it."

Jun Mohuang nodded and agreed, and didn't even bother to look at Jun Jianren.

Her "cousin" had deceived the original owner to the back mountain of Jun's house several times before, and almost killed the original owner by a monster and starved to death in the back mountain.

Therefore, Jun Mohuang couldn't sympathize with him at all.

The students got her permission and immediately beamed their eyes, as if the hungry wolf saw the fresh meat, and drew out the weapon and chopped off at Jun Jianren's neck.

This is another human head, and taking it down means a silver moon fairy glaze the size of a thumb.

Whoever doesn't grab is a fool.

"Hahaha, Jun Mohuang, it is nothing but waste for you to be able to practice again! You will only hide behind these people and let them kill me. What a skill! If you have the ability, fight with me alone. Prove that you are not a trash! If you win, let me go, if you lose, you must kill you as you please!"

Seeing that Jun Mohuang would not let her go anyway, Jun Jianren saw the densely packed blades of knives pierce his neck and began to laugh wildly.

For someone like her who originally had a reputation for being a waste, but was able to cultivate again with great difficulty, she must be the most taboo against others who laugh at her as a waste.

Jun Mohuang will definitely take the bait, eager to prove that he is not a waste, and fight him alone.

His strength in the early stage of the third stage of the forged spirit realm could not beat the waste of this first stage of the forged spirit realm.

At that time, he won Jun Mohuang and saved his life. It will not be too late for Jun Mohuang to take revenge before killing her. The little abacus in Jun Jianren's heart is cracking.

Jun Jianren said so, so that the students' swords stopped in mid-air and stopped using their hands.

They are all thinking, it is estimated that this time, the school girl will do it herself.

"Interesting, am I a trash, why should I prove it to you. Now I am Dao Zu, you are Yume, Jun Jianren, you are not qualified to make terms with me at all."

Jun Mohuang immediately sneered, how could she not know what Xiao Jiujiu Jun Jianren was playing in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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