Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 837: Jianren, **** 2

Chapter 837 Jianren, Bitch 2

"But, because you are dying, I will reluctantly send you on the road."

However, Jun Mohuang quickly turned around, flipping her wrist, and a sharp short sword flew out of her hand and shot directly at Jun Jianren's eyebrows.

The dagger engulfed her aura, like lightning, slashing towards Jun Jianren.

Before the short sword arrived, Jun Jianren's eyebrows pierced, his body was locked with sword energy, his whole body could not move, and his face was as pale as gold paper.

This kind of speed, this kind of attacking potential, is clearly only for the masters above the sixth level of the Forge Spirit Realm.

Jun Mohuang's strength can't be seen at the first level of the Forge Spirit Realm, how can this be such a powerful skill!

Could it be... she was deliberately hiding her strength!

Jun Jianren was shocked in his heart, and it was even more difficult to accept this fact.

Why, why did he wake up in the dark in the morning at the drugstore, and have been practicing hard for more than half a year, still no better than Jun Mohuang, God is not fair! unfair!

But the scene before him forced him to be subdued.

This series of thoughts seemed to be many, and they popped up in his mind one after another, but only for a moment.

Then Jun Jianren yelled at the fastest speed in his life: "Seventh Sister, Seventh Sister, don't kill me, I know who did you suddenly disappear back then and lose your strength!"

Jun Mohuang's brows were slightly raised, and with a flick of his tender fingers, the dagger, which was only one centimeter away from the center of Jun Jianren's brow, suddenly fell weakly.

She moved, and in the next second, the whole person had teleported to Jun Jianren from the flying monster in Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Jun Mohuang looked at Jun Jianren condescendingly, with an extra long sword in his hand, resting on his neck, and said coldly:

"Say, what exactly do you know!"

When she came across, there were always two mysteries that had not been clarified.

One is the truth about the death of his father Jun Liyuan. Feng Yunyi had already told the truth about this incident in order to save his life to please Emperor Lingtian.

The second is what happened to the original owner that year. After returning to the house of the monarch after missing for a period of time, he became the first genius of Illusory Cloud Nation to become a waste that everyone knows and laughs at.

Reluctantly, she never found the slightest clue about this matter.

This time Jun Jianren suddenly said that, whether it was true or false, she would listen to it.

"Only... as long as you swear not to kill me, I will tell you."

When the short sword was only one centimeter away from him, it suddenly fell. Jun Jianren had already been frightened and collapsed.

This will feel the cold tip of the sword resting on the aorta of the neck, and it will make the whole body weak in fright.

Jun Mohuang was about to speak, and a clear sound of Yanming sounded in the distance. Di Lingtian stood on top of the twelve wing-tip-tailed Swift, and in a flash came to Jun Mohuang's side, taking advantage of the trend to embrace her. Waist, put her in her arms.

Then a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Jun Jianren indifferently.

When Jun Jianren looked at God Ling Tian's **** eyes, he only felt that there was a flash of red light in front of him, and his mind was dizzy.

He blurted out uncontrollably: "It's a pharmacist!"

"It was the medicine family that sent someone to contact my grandfather secretly, to trick you out of the Jun family and take you away. The medicine family made a lot of profit, including a casting pill. Grandfather agreed, and then Mo Xue and I deceived you out of the Jun family, and you fell into the hands of the Yao family. The reason why the Yao family did this, and what happened to you, I don’t know..."

After Jun Jianren muttered, he suddenly said something and immediately covered his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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