Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 835: Fiasco 2

Chapter 835 Disastrous defeat 2


The situation came out too suddenly, and the Yao family who was still flaunting their might suddenly changed.

When I saw the big hole at my feet, there was still a big pool of blood red in the middle of the big hole, and I stammered speechless.

Obviously, the ten elders were thrown to death directly.

They couldn't figure it out. There was clearly a group of weak chickens with only the first and second ranks of the casting spirit realm. How could they have sent the ten elders of the seventh rank of the casting spirit realm to death.

Even if the great elder and the sixth elder combined for a blow, the current cultivation base of these two old men is only the sixth stage of the forging spirit realm, and it is impossible to have this effect.

"Big guys, **** you guys, Yinyue Xianli wave to us again!"

Once they did it, the students who wanted to do it as soon as they saw the medicine family became even more unbearable.

In the chaos, I didn't know who yelled, and then everyone summoned their own flying beasts from the space ring, fighting for speed to surround the flying beasts of the Yao family.

"Don't panic, everyone. The incident just now must be an accident. The people in Thousand Fantasy Academy are just bluffing. We can pinch this group of people by just sticking out a finger..."

Upon seeing this, Jun Jianren felt uneasy, but still maintained his composure, shouting to the people of the medicine family.

But he hadn't finished shouting, and the "word" of "squeezed to death" hadn't been shouted out. The students surrounded by Thousand Fantasy Academy had each taken out their weapons and sent out moves to attack them.

Some people even jumped directly onto the back of the Flying Monster of the Medicine Family and came directly to catch people.

Jun Jianren saw that the situation was not right, and immediately plunged into the crowd.

What a joke, if you don't grab the head at this time, that's a big fool.

The head of the Medicine Master is related to Yinyue Xianli!

For a time, this saw the spirit rushing in front of him, the shadow of the sword and the blood flashed continuously, and the screams of all kinds of screams continued one after another.

In less than half a minute, the students who stepped forward to besiege with blood on their hands, each vying for the corpses of ten pharmacist seed players who had died.

"Hey, let go, this person was obviously killed by me first!"

"You are talking nonsense, it is clear that my sword hacked him to death first, your sword is slower than mine, okay!"

In the end, because there are more wolves and less meat, there are only ten seeded players in Pharmacists. There are too many students in Thousand Fantasy Academy who want to exchange their heads for Yinyue Xianli. In the end, they directly grabbed the corpse and started fighting.

"Huh, I'm going to find a school girl to judge!"

They quarreled, and they couldn't tell why they were arguing, so they directly asked Jun Mohuang to comment on them.

Although these students all come from a large family in the Southern Territory, they usually take care of themselves, it was absolutely impossible to do such a thing before.

But in the past few months, they have experienced countless life and death trials in the Forest of Thousand Illusion, and they have long cultivated iron will, and they don't care about the blood in their hands.

Poorly the seeded players of these medicine experts, when they finally died, they couldn't understand why they were so strong, but they were hacked to death by a group of weak chickens from the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

"School girl, you didn't do it just now, so you must see clearly who is first and who is behind."

As a result, the trainees ran up to Jun Mohuang and asked her to judge.

Jun Mohuang smiled, and did not immediately answer, but pointed at the only survivor Jun Jianren.

"There is clearly another one there, why don't you kill him too."

Jun Jianren immediately shouted: "Cousin, no, seventh sister, don't kill me, I'm your cousin, we are a family!"

The update is complete today.

Thanks to genius, Ye Liang and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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