Chapter 812

Wouldn't it be a waste to take out the pill to gather spiritual energy in such a reckless way?

A good medicine must of course be taken into the body.

"Tsk tusk, school girl, first break the spiritual formation, and then gather the spirit pill, the speed increase pill, you are simply sent by the heaven to save the college savior!"

Meng Yu sighed sincerely when he saw the white aura that had become ten meters in diameter.

The aura regained the aura of heaven and earth in the academy, the spiritual medicine garden was restored, there were also Spirit Gathering Pills and Speed ​​Growth Pills, as well as the Silver Moon Spring that was produced every month. What pharmacists were they afraid of!

If it was said that when we cracked the Spiritual Array before, everyone felt that after more than three months, the pharmacist could order the color and see, they were still not confident enough, by now they are already confident.

Jun Mohuang said: "What kind of savior, don't say such things. Don't think that the effect of gathering spirits is very strong. When you take them into your body, the process of gathering aura will only be gradual, according to the speed of your own aura absorption. set."

"Well, we know that the properties of pill are like this."

With the actual demonstration effect of the Gathering Pill before, the students found that her pill did not have a six-pointed star representing the level of the pill, but there was no doubt.

They were very happy to collect all the pills.

However, after they were happy for a while, they felt another burst of anger and bitterness when they thought of the companion who had been killed by the Medicine Master this time.

If the comrades killed by the Medicine Master were still alive, they would be very happy to see this scene today.

The Yao family killed their companions and tried to trap the college to death with the sleepy formation, they must avenge it!

The students did not waste any time. After greeted Jun Mohuang and the six elders, they immediately found a corner in the Spirit Medicine Garden, took the Spirit Gathering Pill and Speed ​​Increase Pill, and began to meditate.

At the entrance of the Spirit Medicine Garden, only Jun Mohuang and the six elders remained.

When the six elders saw that she had come up with a speed-increasing pill that they had never heard of this time, they were all secretly surprised that Jun Mohuang's talent for refining medicine was indeed extraordinary.

It's no wonder that the Yao family would set fire to sweep away the Spirit Medicine Garden and the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion that day. Ye Mi must have noticed her talent and wanted to kill her talent in refining medicine in the cradle.

But then their expressions became gloomy.

The old man sighed: "Girl, your refining talent is so good, but unfortunately the Academy's Pharmacopoeia Pavilion was burned out by the villain Ye Mi, otherwise..."

Otherwise, with the help of those pharmacopoeias and alchemy, Jun Mohuang's medicine level can be further improved.

Jun Mohuang comforted the six people and said, "The six elders don't need to feel sorry for me. My father left me a refining medicinal book. The pharmacopoeia and pill recipes of Qianhuan Academy are not very helpful to me."

This sentence is half-truth and half-false. The refining book is false, but her refining technique is a system of its own, and the pharmacopoeia and pill prescriptions of the Thousand Fantasy Academy are not very helpful to her, it can even be said that it is not helpful.

The expressions of the six elders improved upon hearing Jun Mohuang say this.

Indeed, the guardian bloodline of the pharmacist family is different, and the method of refining medicine is also different. The method left by the family is the most suitable for Jun Mohuang.


What happened in Thousand Fantasy Academy in the last two days can be said to make everyone very happy.

But one person was very upset, that was Su Zhiyun, who had changed his voice from the little fox.

She originally thought that Jun Mohuang was burned to death by a fire set by the Yao family, but she did not expect that Jun Mohuang was so lucky that she escaped a catastrophe, and now she is still jumping everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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