Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 813: Strong counterattack 3

Chapter 813 Strong Counterattack 3

Not only that, she also untied the sleepy spirit formation of the Thousand Fantasy Academy and restored the Spirit Medicine Garden.

The thriving scene has been restored in Thousand Fantasy Academy, and each student's cultivation is extremely hard and serious.

With the help of Jun Mohuang's pill, but only half a month later, the cultivation of fifty students basically broke through the first level.

This made Su Zhiyun very unhappy, and also made her very uneasy.

That day, Jun Mohuang distributed pills at the entrance of the Spirit Medicine Garden, and she saw it with her own eyes on Zi Shuilan's shoulder.

When did Jun Mohuang actually have a talent for refining medicine, and he refined the Spirit Gathering Pill, which was more than twice as effective as the Spirit Gathering Pill she had taken before.

That said, Jun Mohuang not only has a super talent for cultivation, she also has a talent for refining medicine, and she can actually practice the elixir of Spirit Gathering Pill.

No, this matter and what happened in the academy in the past few days must be notified to the pharmacist immediately.

However, what made Su Zhiyun even more depressed was that Jun Mohuang's cracked spiritual formation was only partially cracked.

Birds and animals in the academy cannot enter and leave, and even the communication link cannot send out news.

Su Zhiyun was unable to spread the information in the Thousand Fantasy Academy, so she had to watch the strength of the students in the Thousand Fantasy Academy grow stronger day by day, but she could not help it.

Time flies like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, it is only one and a half months from the Star Power Ranking Tournament.

In another half month, the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy should set off to go to Star City to participate in the Star Power Ranking Tournament.

During this period of time, whether the Thousand Fantasy Academy has been extremely happy, luck is extremely good.

First, the excellent cultivation environment in the Spirit Medicine Garden, as well as Jun Mohuang’s Spirit Gathering Pill and Growth Speed ​​Pill, and Yinyue Spring whose monthly output is more than two hundred drops, and the output is increasing every month.

The last two months were even more crazy, reaching 400 drops and 700 drops respectively.

Silver Moon Spring used to be extremely precious to the students, but now for them, the veil of mystery has faded away.

Moreover, within a few days after Jun Mohuang gave them the Spirit Gathering Pill and Speed ​​Increase Pill, he refined the Refreshing Pill and the Promotion Pill.

Refreshing pills can directly replenish mental energy, make people full of energy, concentrate, and will not feel tired without sleeping or resting for five consecutive days;

With the Refreshing Pill, students no longer have to waste time going to bed, and spend all of their time on retreat practice every day.

As for the promotion pill, it is even more powerful. After taking it, you can directly break through the cultivation barrier and advance at the fastest speed.

In addition to practicing in retreat, the students spent half of their time fighting against the beasts in the Forest of Thousand Illusion to exercise their actual combat ability.

When training the actual combat ability, Yun Lan and Jun Mohuang led the two teams to divide the college students into two teams, each with one team.

The small team that competes against who leads has a large number of monsters hunted, and the strength is strong.

The principle of reward is simple and rude. The winning team has the priority to obtain a large share of Silver Moon Spring.

Using Yinyuequan as a bait, the students of the two teams were desperate.

The Warcraft in the Forest of Thousand Illusion in the Academy didn't know what went crazy, not only the strength of the Warcraft itself soared, but every time they wrestled with Warcraft, they were in a state of madness.

In order to save their lives, the students of the two teams had to work hard.

There have been dozens of times when many students were bitten by the beasts, or the abdomen was taken out by the beasts with a large blood hole. They all relied on the hemostasis and vitality pills refined by Jun Mohuang to save their lives miraculously.

The update is complete today!

Thank you for your baby's rewards such as ballet and branding.

(End of this chapter)

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