Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 811: Strong counterattack 1

Chapter 811 Strong Counterattack 1

Jun Mohuang asked everyone to fill in the nine pits, and directly set up a large pot in the elixir garden, pour a large amount of spiritual enhancement liquid into the pot, and boil it over high fire.

All of the spirit enhancement liquid is concentrated spirit liquid, and when it is evaporated by the fire, it turns into white spirit energy, floating in the air.

But in one day, the white aura in the Elixir Garden is like a fairyland.

Under the nourishment of this high spiritual energy environment, the various medicinal materials that had been nourished by the crystals of the earth before began to nurture and release a large amount of medicinal energy.

The Spirit Medicine Garden was successfully restored to its original state, and even the aura and medicinal energy were more than twice as strong as before.

There is a mist of white spiritual energy everywhere in the park, and the visibility is not even a meter.

The spiritual mist rose and surged, and when it encountered the enchantment of the spiritual medicine garden, it condensed into spiritual liquid, dripping on the ground and medicinal materials, and then turned into gaseous spiritual energy.

When the six elders and all the students heard the good news, they almost went crazy with joy.

The spiritual medicine garden was restored to its original state. The third and fourth elders said that night, the vitality of the medicinal materials in the spiritual medicine garden is now dozens of times stronger than before, and it can accommodate fifty people to practice together in it at the same time.

This means that they can stay in there for cultivation day and night like Jun Mohuang in the future.

Sure enough, this thought flashed in their hearts, and the great elder announced in public.

"The top fifty little guys, starting today, you can stay in the Spirit Medicine Garden for as long as you want to stay for as long as you want."

"Yeah, long live the great elder, six elders, long live the younger sister Jun Mohuang!"

Upon hearing the Grand Elder's announcement, the students were so excited to fry the pot.

"This is the spirit-gathering pill I refined, everyone, good, use it with the spirit-enhancing liquid to increase the speed of bringing spiritual energy into the body, thereby slightly increasing the speed of cultivation; this is the speed-enhancing pills, which can directly improve your cultivation. speed."

After everyone's excitement subsided, Jun Mohuang stepped forward and distributed them the Spirit Gathering Pill and Speed ​​Growth Pill.

During this period of time, Jun Mohuang had been in the Spirit Medicine Garden, and she had already mastered the Spirit Gathering Pill.

Even the speed-increasing pill to increase the speed of cultivation has been studied by her.

The medicinal materials of these two kinds of medicinal herbs can be found in the spiritual medicine garden. The rare spiritual plants in the spiritual medicine garden have been transplanted into the Phoenix Space by her, so there is no need to worry about the shortage of medicinal materials.

She recently refined two kinds of medicines enough for fifty students to use for half a month.

Everyone heard that there was a pill, or a pill made by Jun Mohuang. They were all very happy.

Everyone has seen the medicine she refined, and the effect is better than the usual pill.

Isn't the pill that Jun Mohuang refines more powerful?

With this mentality, a student poured the medicine she gave out of the white jade bottle and looked curiously.

The speed increase pill was fortunate, the spirit gathering pill came into contact with the air, and the aura in the air was quickly attracted by the spirit gathering pill, and a large white aura group with a diameter of five meters soon formed, covering the student completely.

Not only that, the white spirit group is still expanding continuously.

The aura in the Elixir Garden is already several times stronger than the aura of the outside world.

The aura clusters gathered by the Gathering Pills are naturally much larger than the aura clusters of Jun Mohuang and Master Ye Mi before.

Seeing this effect, everyone secretly said in their hearts that Jun Mohuang's pill is so effective that they dare not take out the Spirit Gathering Pill again.

Although they have not taken the Spirit Gathering Pill, the name of the Spirit Gathering Pill has been heard before.

(End of this chapter)

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