Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 810: Crack the Spiritual Array 6

Chapter 810 Cracking the Spiritual Array 6

The more the students watched, the more anxious they were, and their doubts and doubts were in their hearts.

After all, even the six elders couldn't do anything about the sleepy spirit formation created by the medicine master.

Jun Mohuang uses these ordinary things, can he really crack it?

But they didn't dare to disturb the carefully arranged Jun Mohuang, so they had to hold all the questions in their hearts.

After half an hour, Jun Mohuang finally arranged everything needed according to the process given by Di Lingtian.

She returned to the center where the nine earthen pits converged, and poured a large amount of silver, profound, iron, and molten iron.

The silver iron molten iron quickly cooled, forming a huge silver iron ball, which was connected to the solidified molten iron in the nine earth pits.

If someone looked down in the air at this time, they would definitely see that the entire Thousand Fantasy Academy was crossed by nine dirt pits.

The nine pits cleverly avoided all the buildings and the central area of ​​the restricted area, and gathered at the most central square.

There is a silver wire in each pit, and the nine silver wires converge to the silver iron ball in the center.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his palms and called up a lot of spiritual energy from his body. After gathering the spiritual energy directly into a white spiritual balloon, he directly shot it on the silver iron ball.

The moment the spirit balloon collided with the silver iron ball, there was a loud hum, and the entire ground was shaking.

Most of the students around Jun Mohuang couldn't help backing a few steps.

They were afraid of a violent explosion like when Su Zhiyun and Jun Mohuang competed that day.

Jun Mohuang had the means to survive that situation, but they didn't have this ability.

But what everyone did not expect was that the scene where Zhongling Balloon smashed the silver iron ball into pieces did not go out.

The spirit balloon directly immersed in the silver iron ball, divided into nine, and the nine spiritual energy fluctuated, following the silver iron wire poured by the nine molten iron, rapidly spreading and radiating to the edge of the college, and there was no stopping trend.

The nine spiritual energy fluctuations spread at an extremely fast speed to the enchantment shrouded in the sky above the Thousand Fantasy Academy, turning into countless light waves.

There was only a sound of "crackling", the golden chains on the barrier were all shattered by the light waves, and they were extinguished into powder, leaving only a ghostly shadow, confusing the eyes and ears of the Yao family and other outsiders.

The strands of white aura re-entered the barrier at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The aura content in the academy’s air has increased at a very fast rate, and even in a very short period of time, it has exceeded the aura content in the previous academy.

"This... the sleepy state is really broken!"

"Great, great, we can practice again!"

"Hahahaha, isn't the Yao Family very arrogant? They want to kill us, let's dream now!"

"Now we must practice hard and fight for the face of family members after more than three months!"

"School girl, you are amazing, you are simply my idol!"

The students sensed the aura in the air, filled with sudden joy, and began to laugh.

They all looked at Jun Mohuang gratefully. If she wasn't a girl, they would embrace her with excitement.

Jun Mohuang smiled and pointed to the nine pits: "Don't be too happy, everyone, you have to fill this pit."

"This little thing, take it to us, school girl, it's very troublesome for you to crack this, you go back and rest."

"Yes, school girl, let us continue the rest of the restoration work."


After the sleepy spirit formation was broken, the aura and medicinal energy in the spirit medicine garden did not recover.

(End of this chapter)

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