Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2966: Jun Mohuang Mind

Chapter 2966 Jun Mohuang Mind

"Master, what are your moves against Minghui Shenzong the last two times, killing one with a single move, it's simply too powerful!"

"Speaking of the Minghui Divine Sect is too incompetent, the address of the five Yuanshen realm seventh-stage late stage experts, the address of the Moonless Divine Sect is completely bragging!"

However, ten Yuanshen Realm seventh-tier early powerhouses are true.

It is a pity that these ten Yuanshen Realm seventh-tier early masters are not at all an opponent of Jun Mohuang.

Feng Yunqi and others immediately followed, and everyone's faces were full of excitement.

The hand that Jun Mohuang just exposed was indeed amazing.

When she got Luo Chen's full element attack, they were not there, and of course they didn't know the full element attack she used.

"Yes, Master, can you teach me, I also want to be as prestigious as the master!"

"If you are so stupid, don't even think about learning it. The master will definitely not teach you, she will definitely teach me!"

The last quarrel came from the rivals of Lord Yinyue and Laogui.

Jun Mohuang and his team were extremely fast and left soon.

At the scene, only a group of disciples of the Minghui Shenzong who were seriously injured remained.

In a place like the primeval forest, he was seriously injured and lost the backing of the forces behind him. To stay here, there is only one dead end.

Before getting deep enough, walking out of the primeval forest together is the only way to save your life.

The disciples of Minghui Shenzong rested for a while, and then started to leave together.

Only the big brother and the other three walked towards the depths of the virgin forest, contrary to the others.

"Big brother, the overlord and the elders are not there, it would be dangerous to advance rashly!"

The disciples who had been taught by the relationship with the senior brother immediately discouraged.

"You leave in order to save your lives, and I will not stop you. But as the next Sect Master of the Minghui Divine Sect, I must avenge the great enmity between the Sect Master and the elders. The Sect Master is no longer there, and I am the current Sect Master."

"Senior brothers don't have to worry about my safety. I will seek refuge in the Shenzong Minghui where the friendship is good."

The big brother's face was gloomy, Jun Mohuang just left without looking back, didn't even have the intention of killing him, and didn't put her in his eyes at all.

This feeling of being completely ignored made him very upset.

Leaving the primeval forest means that there is no chance of revenge against Jun Mohuang again.

He is not reconciled!

He must get ahead and wash away today's shame!

The disciples of Shenzong Minghui saw that he insisted on doing this, so they stopped persuading him.

Everyone parted, and the big brother took two younger brothers who followed him on a journey of revenge.

A hundred miles away, Jun Mohuang once again found a god-level spirit fruit.

Wu Qianyong looked puzzled: "Boss, why didn't you just kill the heir of the Minghui Shenzong? I'm afraid this kind of people will become a disaster if they stay."

"The relationship between these divine sects is complicated. As a medium-sized divine sect, Minghui divine sect will inevitably have other divine sects as allies. We still lack the black dragon order in our hands. If these people come to the door, they will be the ready-made black dragon order, understand."

Shi Feng calmly and rationally analyzed, but Jun Mohuang planned to analyze it perfectly.

"Yes, the boss is still smart."

Wu Qianyong and many people have a suddenly realized expression.

With so many god-level spirit fruits and vitality in the primeval forest, fools will waste time on these gods.

Leaving the big brother of Minghui Shenzong is tantamount to bait.

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips lightly hooked, she was indeed planning so.

In the next month, Jun Mohuang took everyone through the virgin forest.

During this period of time, they discovered thousands of vitality cyclones with god-level spirit fruits growing in more than a hundred thousand god-level spirit fruits.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao and other babies planned to take away Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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