Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2967: Can you be serious

Chapter 2967 can be more serious

One third of them are god-level spirit fruits with elemental attributes.

The strength of Feng Yunqi and others has been bombarded by the spirit fruit of the **** level and the Yuan Qixuan in turn, and coordinated with the delay space, they have successfully promoted to the middle to late stage of the fifth stage of the original spirit.

Jun Mohuang's strength also rose, and he was promoted to the mid-eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm.

Outside the God Realm, promotion to the middle stage of the eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm is already the limit.

To continue to advance, you need more vitality.

This amount of heaven and earth aura is no longer available in this virgin forest.

If you want to go further, you must enter God's Domain.

The missing Black Dragon Token, after encountering a few divine sects who were jealous of the god-level spirit fruit in their hands, had been collected, and even doubled.

Everyone now has two black dragon orders in their hands.

There is no way, the charm of the god-level spirit fruit is too great, countless people follow the spirit of the god-level spirit fruit to move forward, and Jun Mohuang can't control it at all.

If he had known that the charm of the god-level spirit fruit was so great, Jun Mohuang would not deliberately let Master Minghui Shenzong leave.

This person was also quite calm and did not come forward to provoke.

However, the Black Dragon Order has been collected, this person has no use, and it is not worth taking care of.

In the time of this month, Emperor Mohuang Emperor Ling Tian and his party have reached the depths of the virgin forest and are about to reach the barrier of the gods.

The only thing that made Jun Mohuang dissatisfied was that she still did not find Yunling divine fruit in a month of searching.

Forget it, this is not the deepest part of the primeval forest, maybe she will find it in the deepest part of the forest, the border between the forest and the gods.

A group of people marched toward the depths of the primeval forest.


The deepest part of the virgin forest, the place where it borders with God's Domain, has changed from the quiet of the past.

At least hundreds of Shenzong forces gathered here, each of the great Shenzong occupies a space, and the dense forest is full of people.

These Shenzongs are not ignoring each other.

There are constantly disciples coming together, or exchanging information in their own hands, or trading each other's cultivation resources with each other.

The scene is very lively, comparable to a vegetable market, incompatible with the tranquil environment of the primeval forest.

Just now, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian's group saw such a scene.

Lord Yinyue frowned slightly, "I'm going, isn't it, what are these people doing, opening a vegetable market?"

God's domain barrier is less than a thousand miles away, can you be more serious?

"Hey, brother, it’s the first time you have come here. Let’s do it, my little brother, I have a lot of information about this place. My little brother has been short of training resources recently, elder brother, you lack sufficient information, so why don’t you come here? How about making a deal."

Lord Yinyue just finished muttering these words, and a young man next to him immediately approached Lord Yinyue with a smile on his face, with a warm expression on his face.

Lord Yinyue was about to drive away the people, but saw Jun Mohuang's stopping eyes.

Lord Yinyue changed his attitude of chasing people, and showed two points of interest.

"Tell me, what information do you have, Benlong...cough, I'm good at weighing it."

Lord Yinyue flipped his wrist, and a crisp and dripping god-level spirit fruit appeared in his hand.

This god-level spirit fruit doesn't have any attributes, it's the most common, but it also made the young man who came forward to accost his eyes shine, and his eyes almost fell to the ground.

An ordinary god-level spirit fruit is nothing at all to the Shenzong who can walk here.

No matter how bad each Shenzong is, it will eventually have four or five god-level spiritual fruits.

(End of this chapter)

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