Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2965: Barely

Chapter 2965 barely

The Lord Sect Master is dead, and the Lord Sect Master with the strength of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm is dead!

Unlike Shenzong Minghui who was shocked, Feng Yunqi and others enthusiastically cheered for Jun Mohuang's victory.

In the shock and cheers of the people present, Jun Mohuang gently moved his wrist.

At this level, I dare to pretend to claim that his moves are the palm of the devil, and he is not afraid of insulting the demons.

Obviously, Jun Mohuang was very upset about the Minghui Shenzong Sect Master's arbitrarily named his move as Demon Killing Palm.

She didn't intend to kill the Sect Master with a single move, but he dared to offend Emperor Lingtian, and the sin was unforgivable.

"Run away!"

The disciples of Minghui Shenzong woke up from shock,

Jun Mohuang was able to kill the four elders and lord master with one move, and killing them was just a matter of waving his hands.

They stay here, there is only a dead end.

Some timid disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect had begun to turn around and flee.

The fifth elder flicked his sleeves angrily, and several powerful vitality blades issued, accurately piercing the hearts of those who fled.

The disciples who ran away groaned, their hearts ached, and they collapsed and died.

"Who dares to escape, this is the end!"

"This vicious woman killed Lord Sect Master, we want to avenge the Lord Sect Master!"

"Everyone combined their efforts to kill these ants, capture these two strangers, and avenge the suzerain!"

Under the tough tactics of the five elders, the people of Minghui Shenzong had to take out weapons and attack.

Among this group of people, only Jun Mohuang had extraordinary fighting ability, and the others were not very good.

The second elder and the third elder were injured, but they also had three middle-stage seventh-tier elders in the original spirit realm.

Escape is bound to die, but there is still hope of victory and survival if you fight hard.

As it turns out, they once again estimated wrongly.

In less than a minute, the five elders fell to the ground, their bodies stiff and dead.

The disciples of Shenzong Minghui were covered in blood, looking at Jun Mohuang with ghostly eyes.

They will never forget. In such a short period of time, Jun Mohuang sent out several light groups one after another, and the five Yuanshen Realm seventh-order elders had not had time to attack before they were killed on the spot.

The ten quasi-elders in the early stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm were also under the attack of the light group.

Even more frightening is that when Jun Mohuang attacked, they couldn't see any energy fluctuations at all.

Therefore, until the suzerain and the five elders died, they still didn't know the true strength of Jun Mohuang.

This woman is simply not human!

The big brother looked pale and his eyes were dull.

He couldn't believe that Minghui Divine Sect would have such a result when it met the Emperor Mohuang.

With a flick of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, twelve black dragon orders flew out of the spatial ring of the Minghui Shenzong Sect Master, five elders and six quasi-elders, and hovered beside her.

"A total of twenty-seven Black Dragon Orders are far from satisfactory."

Jun Mohuang glanced at it and distributed the twelve black dragon orders to Feng Yunqi and the others.

Counting the fifteen previously obtained from the hands of the big brothers and others, it is indeed 27.

I didn't expect such a strong lineup to have only twelve. It seems that the previous big brother's team is the real super fat sheep.

Twenty-seven Black Dragon Orders were not enough, but Jun Mohuang was not worried.

There are so many gods in the virgin forest, and the order of the black dragon is nothing more than she is not rare.

"If you have something, let's go."

Jun Mohuang clapped his hands and took Di Lingtian's arm.

"Good Le, boss."

(End of this chapter)

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