Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2936: Fat fish hooked

Chapter 2936 Fat Fish Takes the Bite

Jun Mohuang was even more ruthless, clearly possessing the strength of the sixth-order of the Primordial God Realm, and it was directly suppressed to the point of no energy fluctuations, giving people the feeling of lack of strength.

Everyone can't figure out what calculations are in their hearts for a while.

"The bait can't be lowered a little bit, how can the fat fish get the bait. You will know later, now, we are starting to ride the turbulence in Luancheng, everyone pay attention."

Jun Mohuang smiled lightly, and did not answer directly, which completely aroused everyone's curiosity.

As soon as her voice fell, the black flying boat had completely flown into the abyss behind Luancheng.

In the abyss, countless chaotic air currents composed of extremely pure heaven and earth vitality together constitute Luancheng turbulence.

To get through the turbulence in Luancheng, these chaotic air currents must be partially restored to a temporary calm for the flying boat to pass through.

In this case, only massive amounts of pure energy can do this.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian joined forces, and between the light sleeves of both hands, one after another top grade spar veins flew out of the spatial ring.

These spar veins encounter turbulent and chaotic air currents and are automatically decomposed into energy states.

The energy created by the top grade spar veins temporarily calmed the turbulent flow of 800 meters ahead, forming a safe passage.

The black flying boat immediately entered the safe passage and began to cross Luancheng turbulence.

Luancheng, the cultivators onlookers in the city are still in shock.

"A flick of the sleeves can crack the Sect Master's nirvana skills, the strongest attack, and the combat effectiveness!"

Below Luancheng, the cultivators who watched the excitement stared blankly at the figure of the black flying boat leaving, their eyes were full of worship and admiration from the heart.

This is the power of the seventh-tier mid-term powerhouse.

The seven Sect Masters of Shenzong watched the black flying boat go away, and greed appeared in their eyes at the same time.

Twenty thousand supreme yuan stones, fools do not want anyone to want to own.

Both Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang's subordinates can come up with 20,000 top-grade essence stones to hit the face of the Starless Divine Sect, and this group of people will have more top-grade cultivation resources in their hands.

If they can take all of them as their own, they will greatly enhance the strength of their respective Shenzong teams before entering God's Domain!

The seven sect masters exchanged glances and automatically landed on the side of the huge pit that the starless **** sect sect master smashed.

The Sect Master of the Godless Sect stretched out his old, shriveled fingers and pulled out the Sect Master of the Godless Sect in the deep pit.

"Ah...cough... Thank you Sect Master Yue."

The sect master of the Starless God Sect had no light on his face, he only felt that his old face was completely lost at this moment.

He took a few bottles of pills in one breath, and then barely stood up with Zhao Wuying's support.

"You don't need to say thank you, Sect Master Xing, you just need to tell us where the emperor came from."

A calculating light flashed in the turbid eyes of the Sect Master of No Moon God Sect.

"Does Sect Master Yue hope that this person has a small or large background."

"In other words, the other six sect masters hope that his background is small or big."

After taking the pill, after a few sighs of relief, the sect master of the Starless God Sect improved, and he took a meaningful look at the sect masters present.

"Hehe, Sect Master Xing joked, there is nothing we hope or not, we are just worried that Sect Master Xing will cause big troubles and you will cause big troubles. I have just been concerned about it."

The Sect Master of the Moonless God Sect smiled without a smile, and gave such a hypocritical response.

"Hmph, Sect Master Yun is pretending to be here. The seven Sect Masters will just say, how do we divide after the matter is done!"

(End of this chapter)

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