Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2937: Kill Emperor Lingtian

Chapter 2937 Killing Emperor Lingtian

Sect Master Without Star God wiped the blood from the corner of his lips and sneered.

These old foxes, seeing that he had not been killed by Di Lingtian, clearly wanted to join forces against Di Lingtian in the Luancheng turbulence, grab all the top grade spar in his hand, and take their own thoughts.

"It's very simple, just divide it according to the proportion of the sixth-level masters of the Yuanshen realm in our respective Shenzong teams this time."

The seven Sect Masters exchanged glances and reached a consensus in an instant.

"Okay, deal!"

The corner of the lips of the Sect Master of the Starless Divine Sect crooked, and he cursed these seven as shamelessly in his heart.

In terms of the number of cultivators in the sixth-order Yuanshen realm, the non-star **** sect is not the least, it is considered to be a medium level.

But now that the test of Di Lingtian's strength is at the cost of his serious injury.

The seven people didn't stop them just now. They waited for him to be injured and found out the fighting power of Emperor Lingtian. This is a good calculation!

If he is not strong enough to resist, it is not a serious injury, but a direct death.

At that time, these seven people wouldn't even help him collect their bodies.

Even if the Sect Master of the Starless God Sect was unwilling to accept it, he still had to agree.

He was seriously injured, and now the Star-Free God Sect was at a disadvantage, he had no qualifications to disagree.

"Okay, Sect Master Xing is really quick to talk. The group of people are so reckless, they have rushed into the turbulent flow of Luancheng, let's do it now."

The Sect Master of Wuyue Divine Sect smiled with satisfaction, thinking of the 20,000 top-grade essence stones, the color of greed in his eyes became more intense.

The other Shenzong sect masters all nodded their heads in agreement, but before the event was about to start, the eight most cautious Sect Master Wuye began to retreat.

"We...we really want to do this? What if we can't kill the emperor together, but are killed instead. This suzerain always feels that this emperor is not easy."

Yes, the top quality cultivation resources that Di Lingtian possesses are very tempting, and he is also moved by the desire to kill people and win treasures.

But compared to the best practice resources, it's obviously more important than life.

"Hmph, Sect Master Ye, you are as timid as ever! The emperor caught the strongest attack from the Sect Master, but he was unable to kill the Sect Master. This shows that his strength is indeed in the Primordial Divine Realm. In the middle of the seventh stage, it cannot be higher!"

"The woman surnamed Jun next to him has the second-order strength of the Yuanshen realm, even if it burns high incense. As for the group of subordinates around them, they are only the third-order strength of the Yuanshen realm.

"Of the eight of us, three of us are in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Primordial God Realm, and can't deal with the man surnamed Emperor? It's a joke!"

The Sect Master of the Godless Sect was very dissatisfied that the Sect Master of the Godless Sect had retreated at this time.

He glanced at Sect Master Ye coldly, his heart full of disdain.

How timid the Sect Master Ye was, he really doubted how he had cultivated to the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Primordial God Realm.

"The eight of us have crossed the Luancheng turbulence several times, and we have long been familiar with the road. Compared with the man surnamed Emperor, we have an advantage. It can be described as foolproof. What is Sect Master Ye afraid of?

The Sect Master of the Moonless God Sect also spoke coldly, not only the Sect Master of the Starless God Sect expressed dissatisfaction with Sect Master Ye's sudden retreat.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Wuye Shenzong gritted his teeth, thinking of the temptation of the best cultivation resources, and suppressed the feeling of anxiety that suddenly rose in his heart.

Yes, all conditions are favorable to them. Killing Di Lingtian in the Luancheng turbulent flow is foolproof, there will be no accidents, and there is nothing to worry about.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao, 153******14 and other babies' rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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