Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2935: Easy to crack

Chapter 2935 is easily cracked

The other seven great gods sect sect masters had earlier seen what moves the starless sect sect masters used, and the seven people seemed to have negotiated well, and all chose to stand by.

The Star-Free God Sect is their rival. Sitting and watching the battle between the Sect Master of the Star-Free God Sect and Emperor Lingtian is just to explore the reality of Emperor Lingtian, why did they stop it.

In the air, the Sect Master of the Starless God Sect was extremely angry when he listened to the lively breeze under the city.

This group of spectators who are afraid of the world will not be chaotic, waiting, when he finishes cleaning up Di Lingtian, they will kill all the waste and bury his beloved daughter!


The Sect Master of the Starless God Sect shouted angrily, and the giant tree behind him suddenly shook and burst open.

The trunk of the giant tree condensed by the power of the wood element turned into millions of sharp wood blades.

Each wood blade is equivalent to a golden sacred weapon.

The Sect Master of the Starless God Sect is suspended in the millions of wood blades, his hands are sealed, and his eyes are slightly closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, pointed his finger at Di Lingtian, and shouted angrily: "The life of all things, the length of reincarnation, the boundless falling wood, go!"

Millions of slap-sized wooden blades immediately turned into a giant sword, slashing towards Emperor Lingtian with the intent of killing.

In the air, the vitality of heaven and earth was instantly split in half by a sword.

Below, many onlookers have difficulty breathing, their eyes are dizzy, and some have been unstable and collapsed to the ground.

I began to have an illusion, always thinking that the Sect Master’s Falling Wood Sword would smash them in the next moment and split them in half.

So strong, this is the power of a strong man in the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm. I don't know how Emperor Lingtian in the middle of the seventh stage will respond.

Facing such a mighty offensive, Di Lingtian's eyes were as calm as water, his sleeves flicked, the heaven and earth vitality turned into a cyclone with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and the sword of falling wood was easily wrapped.

Between the slender hands directing the dance, the vitality cyclone directly bounced the sword of the fallen wood back to the original path.

The sword of falling wood turned into a cyan afterimage, slashing towards the master of the Starless God Sect.

"This! This is impossible!"

Emperor Lingtian's ability to kill was easily caught and resolved, and the original path was returned, and the master of the Starless God Sect looked astonished.

This is his mortal skill, the strongest blow, he himself has no way to crack it, the only way to avoid it.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth in the main body of the Starless God Sect was surging crazily. He wanted to avoid it, but found that his surroundings were all locked, and he could not avoid it.


The huge falling wood sword directly struck the Sect Master of the Godless Sect. With a scream, the Sect Master of the Godless Sect fell from the sky.

Seeing this, the people below Luancheng quickly walked away, for fear of being hurt themselves.

With a muffled sound, the Sect Master of the Godless Sect fell into Luancheng, and several streets of houses and shops were destroyed.

A large pit with a diameter of several thousand meters was sunken in the ground. In the large pit, the Sovereign lay embarrassed, blood sprayed from his mouth, and his whole body wounds were as dense as cracks on a tortoise shell.

On the black flying boat, after defeating the sovereign, Emperor Lingtian flicked his sleeves and drove the flying boat into the turbulent abyss after Luancheng, leaving only a stunned crowd.

"Di Zun, you just know that you can kill the **** **** sect master, why not do that."

On the flying boat, Chi Chi Zi Zi and others were puzzled by this.

Moreover, Di Lingtian now clearly has the strength of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm, why should he be suppressed to the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm.

(End of this chapter)

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