Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2905: Mother, take care

Chapter 2905 Mother, take care

The Yin Cyclone then resumed as usual, spinning like a black night, exuding wisps of air that made Jun Mohuang very familiar.

"Great, mother has a way."

Upon seeing the colorful phoenix, Dou's **** eyes could not hide the joy.

Hanging his head, rubbing against Jun Mohuang's hands, fluttering with his two wings, he almost started to dance.

"Mother, now the place where people hide their treasures has been discovered by bad guys. It would be very unsafe for them to stay in the original place. Mother told them where they should hide now."

Qi Cai Phoenix was happy for a few seconds, Dou Da’s eyes began to show concern.

It originally wanted to stay with Jun Mohuang directly, but the thought that if it followed Jun Mohuang with the yin cyclone, it would cause her big trouble.

Once Zhiyin Cyclone leaves God's Domain, it will be immediately traced by the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix and Black Dragons.

The mother has been missing for many years, and her strength has plummeted. Now is the time to regenerate her energy and recover her strength. She must not be discovered by the Black Dragon family, nor even by the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family.

Colorful Phoenix is ​​very smart. It asked the girl in white clothes to be ignored before, but now it finds Jun Mohuang and knows that something is wrong with the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

That group of incompetent domain masters can even admit their mistakes.

It's a pity that it can only show itself in front of the mother, otherwise it will definitely show up and teach the group of domain masters severely.

"In the realm of God, wherever it is most dangerous to the Black Dragon and the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix, you hide there."

Jun Mohuang stretched out her hand and stroked its little wings. Although it was the first time she saw him, she felt very familiar with this phoenix.

This little phoenix is ​​probably her ancestor, the former battle favorite of the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

I don't know what happened to the Jiuyu Yanhuang, so I followed her aura to find her.

"Mother, I see, you are talking about the land of Canaan."

Little Phoenix's eyes suddenly brightened, like two shining black gems.

"My mother is still the smartest and the best way. Mother, my baby and I are waiting for you in the land of Canaan. You must quickly regain your strength and come to the land of Canaan to find your baby and restore your identity."

"Mother, you have to be careful. Huang Yu Palace now has a fake woman who looks exactly like you. She can enter the Huang Yu Palace without knowing the truth. The means must not be simple."

"My mother will return with her subordinates this time. As long as she subscribes the Yunling Divine Pill before entering the land of Canaan, she can resist the constraints of the land of Canaan."

"Oh, no, the time is up, mother will be found if you delay it. Mother, take care, remember to come to Canaan, and don't forget the baby."

Little Phoenix's body slowly began to become transparent, and a few seconds later, its body and the group of extremely cloudy cyclones disappeared in front of Jun Mohuang.

"The land of Canaan?"

Knowing the sea, was interrupted by the little phoenix, those golden fragments had disappeared without a trace.

Jun Mohuang thought back to Little Phoenix's words.

The land of Canaan must be somewhere in God's Domain.

The woman that Xiaofeng said must be a girl in white.

After she conquered the Ling Palace and killed Luo Chen, she turned the Ling Palace upside down and didn't see this woman.

At that time, Di Lingtian said that the girl in white must have fallen into the hands of Emperor Wuming.

Now according to the situation of Little Phoenix, it really is not so.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Wuming moved so fast, already bringing the white-clothed girl into the realm of God.

(End of this chapter)

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