Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2906: Ling Tian, ​​you are so bad

Chapter 2906 Ling Tian, ​​you are so bad

Jun Mohuang was thinking about this, and the villain with concentrated mental energy suddenly collapsed, and she immediately woke up from sleep.

When Jun Mohuang woke up, he found Di Lingtian's deep and bottomless blood eyes, looking at her.

The brow furrowed slightly, and there was a hint of worry.

"Huang'er, what happened just now? Why is there an emperor nameless aura in you."

Others couldn't tell the surprise between him and the nameless breath of Emperor, but Emperor Lingtian himself knew it all.

"Emperor Wuming?"

Jun Mohuang immediately reacted, and the hand of the humanoid creature that had just grasped the Yin Qixuan must be the emperor nameless.

She shot it back, so she caught his breath.

Jun Mohuang quickly said everything that had happened just now.

"That must be the most yin cyclone that produces the most yin air."

Di Lingtian pondered for two seconds, with a firm tone of voice.

"I thought the same way just now. Ling Tian, ​​you said that Emperor Wuming wanted to do what Zhi Yin Qixuan wanted to do."

Before Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian came to the True God Continent, they had a rough understanding of the situation of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family from the message left by the goddess Jun to Jun Liyuan.

The two of them naturally knew about the yin air.

She couldn't guess what Emperor Wuming wanted Zhiyin Cyclone to do, but his purpose was definitely not just to intimidate the Nine Feather Yanhuang Clan.

"One yin and one yang are the foundation of heaven and earth. He naturally wants the supreme right."

If the world knows the emperor Wuming the most, it is definitely the emperor Lingtian.

He didn't know what the perfect combination of Yin Qi and Yang Qi would produce, but deduced from the rules of heaven and earth, Emperor Lingtian could also guess.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's leave quickly and head to the land of Canaan."

The supreme right must be the unification of the Black Dragon clan and the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, the unification of the Divine Realm and the entire True God Continent.

Emperor Wuming's calculations in the sacred pool caused her to almost lose Di Lingtian, and she absolutely couldn't let Emperor Wuming succeed.

"Don't worry, Huang'er. The Qi of the Most Yin and the Qi of the Most Yang have always restrained and balanced each other. The Cyclone of the Most Yin is taken away, and the Cyclone of the Most Yang will not stay in place."

"The next thing for Emperor Wuming is time to get rid of headaches. We just need to follow the original rhythm."

Di Lingtian stretched out his long arms, and would embrace Jun Mohuang, extracting a ray of yin air attached to her body.

With a flick of one hand, the scaled version of the True God Continent immediately suspended in the air.

"Now, in order to add some fun, it is better for us to intervene."

Di Lingtian's slender fingers bent slightly, and when they stretched out again, several extremely complex golden runes had been swallowed by the enchantment of the gods.

The enchantment swallowed the rune, and the enchantment aura immediately began to surge.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are so bad."

Jun Mohuang understood immediately, and couldn't help but smile.

The qi of the yin and the qi of the yang form and restrain each other, and they complement each other, and they are in common.

It is completely through the Qi of Zhi Yin, supplemented by Talisman, to affect the Qi of Zhi Yang.

The Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan and the Black Dragon clan were bred from two gas attributes.

Naturally, they cannot pass this rule to control each other's cyclone.

But Di Lingtian was different. He was not either of the two races. Whether it was the Qi of the Most Yin or the Qi of the Most Yang, he had no deterrent power at all.

I am afraid that after the Emperor Wuming gets the Zhiyin Cyclone, he also wants to do so, so that he can obtain the Heilong Clan's Zhiyang Cyclone.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

The Black Dragon clan and Emperor Wuming are busy.

(End of this chapter)

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