Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2904: Mother, someone is going to grab my baby

Chapter 2904 Mother, someone wants to grab my baby

Deserted city.

Di Lingtian's thoughtfulness made Jun Mohuang slept peacefully in the middle of the night.

But in the middle of the night, Jun Mohuang's mind was strange, and a series of picture fragments kept appearing.

These pictures flashed very fast, and all of them were fragments, looking like some shattered memories and some disrupted information.

Jun Mohuang only saw a clue, these fragments disappeared without a trace, replaced by a new set of fragments.

Each fragment was glowing with a faint golden light, forming a golden storm, sweeping and raging in the sea of ​​knowledge of the Emperor Mohuang.

For some reason, she always had a hunch that extremely important information was hidden in the fragments, and she had to figure it out.

Jun Mohuang's mental power directly condenses into a reduced version of himself, constantly flipping through these fragments in the sea of ​​knowledge.

But no matter how hard she tried and tried every means, she still couldn't see clearly.

When Jun Mohuang was competing with these golden fragments, a summoning force gushed from the depths of his blood.

The power of summoning flows along the meridian into the sea of ​​consciousness, transforming into a colorful phoenix.

This colorful phoenix was only the size of a palm, and its feathers had not yet grown, and it was one piece in the east.

Seeing Jun Mohuang's eyes, Qicai Phoenix flew to Jun Mohuang's feet, using wings as his hands, grabbing the corners of her skirt and begging.

"Mother, help, those black dragons are going to grab this baby's baby, mother, you must help this baby to protect the baby."

The colorful phoenix has feathers on one wing and not the other, and the feathers on the whole body are distributed unevenly, showing soft skin.

As the saying goes, a feathered phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. This idiom is most suitable to describe this colorful phoenix.

It looked sadly at Jun Mohuang, and its dark eyes were anxious, and water vapor appeared.

As if she would cry if she didn't agree.

"Don't call me mother, speak well, what do you want me to help you."

Jun Mohuang lowered his eyes, and a strange color flashed across his eyes quickly.

This is her sea of ​​consciousness, except for Di Lingtian and Xiao Haitang, no one can enter.

This colorful phoenix broke in without her noticing it, it must not be a mortal thing.

Looking at its phoenix form, it must have a lot to do with the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

"No, you are the mother. The smell of mother's body will never be forgotten by the baby."

Colorful Phoenix grabbed the corner of Jun Mohuang's skirt, and stretched out his yellow beak and rubbed it several times.

"Mother, you can help them quickly. Their baby will be snatched by the bad guys, the black dragon. My mother told me when she left, this baby must not be taken by the black dragon clan."

Colorful Phoenix let go of the corners of Jun Mohuang's skirt and flew its wings to her wrist. A reduced version of the Zhi Yin cyclone appeared in both wings.

Originally, the extremely cloudy cyclone was extremely rich in color. At this moment, the color was dim, bright and extinguished, and the state was extremely unstable.

A black dragon claw and the hand of a humanoid creature are about to be imprisoned by the Yin Cyclone, and the Yin Cyclone will be captured at any time.

The first time Jun Mohuang saw Zhiyin Cyclone, she didn't know what it was.

At the first sight of Zhiyin cyclone, a strange sense of familiarity suddenly emerged.

Jun Mohuang didn't wait for Qi Cai Phoenix to speak, the instinct in her bloodline had already made her act.

Two golden lights flew out from the golden phoenix feather mark on her forehead.

The sound of "zi" was like the sound of water dripping into a hot iron pan.

The black dragon's claws and the hand of the humanoid creature caught on the Zhiyin Cyclone were immediately corroded by golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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