Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2903: Crystal mine baby asks for help

Chapter 2903 Crystal Mine Baby Seeking Help

At the sound transmission jade talisman, Emperor Wuming listened to the urging of many black dragons, as clever as he did not know what the group of black dragons thought.

Hmph, everyone wants to get the position of God Emperor, but I am sorry, this position is none other than him.

The eyes of Emperor Wuming were calm and waveless. Following the urging of the black dragons, his slender hands and ten fingers kept flapping, and extremely complex handprints continued to appear.

A large amount of energy gushed from the emperor Wuming's body, gathered and weaved into a large energy web, and it passed the phoenix crystal vein, and it would be enveloped in a cloudy cyclone.

The most Yin Qi in the Most Yin Cyclone gave birth to the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan. To them, the Most Yin Cyclone was so sacred that they did not even dare to look up, let alone touch them.

But Emperor Wuming is not a member of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family, his bloodline is not controlled by the pressure of Zhiyin.

In his eyes, the Qi of Zhi Yin was just a wisp of energy gas of Yin attribute, which was not justified.

In an instant, the large net of energy of Emperor Wuming was about to be enveloped in a cloudy cyclone, and the sleeves of the Emperor Wuming's sleeves flicked, until the Yinqi group was quickly torn off and flew towards the Emperor Wuming.

Everything went extremely smoothly, and the corners of the lips of the Emperor Wuming and the black dragons couldn't help but evoke a hint of inevitable.

But just as the Zhiyin cyclone passed over the Phoenix crystal vein, something happened suddenly.

The phoenix crystal vein suddenly burst out with a bright luster, and the strands of light directly turned into substance, dragging the dark cyclone.

Emperor Wuming frowned slightly, using all his strength, still unable to resist the power of the Phoenix Crystal vein. Instead, the Yin Cyclone was dragged back by the Huang Jing mineral vein.

"Quickly, everyone immediately mobilizes all their strength to help the emperor."

The ancestor elder saw it through the shadow stone, and after a command, all the black dragons on the scene immediately injected all the combat power they could have into the ancestor elder's sound transmission jade.

The sound transmission jade charms of the ancestors are naturally not ordinary things, in addition to transmitting information, they can also transmit energy.

In the underground palace, when Emperor Wuming was struggling, a powerful black energy rushed out from the sound transmission jade talisman, and the force was so strong that it directly smashed the emperor Wuming sound transmission jade talisman.

The sound transmission jade symbol was broken, and the shadow stone attached to the sound transmission jade symbol immediately turned into fragments.

At the Black Dragon Palace, all the sights in front of the black dragons immediately disappeared.

Many black dragons can't help but worry if they can't see the picture of Emperor Wuming.

But when he thought that Emperor Wuming had to return to the Black Dragon Palace to obtain the Sun Cyclone, before he could synthesize the Emperor's Scepter, he immediately let go of his worry.

In the underground palace.

This energy transmitted by all the senior members of the Black Dragon clan directly rushed to the front of the Yin Cyclone and turned into a black dragon claw, grasping the Yin Cyclone with the momentum of thunder.

The colorful halo of the Huangjing mineral vein flourished, and the black dragon claws began to confront each other.

The emperor Wuming's sleeves flicked, and the whole person rose up in the air, flew to the front of Yin Cyclone, grabbing it into the palm of his hand.

With his joining, the balance was quickly broken.

The colorful halo lingering on the Most Yin Cyclone became weaker and weaker, and if this continued, the Most Yin Cyclone would sooner or later fall into the hands of the Emperor Wuming.

The Phoenix Mineral Vein has been guarded to the Yin Cyclone for many years, and has already been born with some spiritual wisdom.

It began to flash rapidly, and first sent a message to the girl in white clothes sitting down below.

It is a pity that the girl in white is completely immersed in the rapid rise in strength, and simply ignores it.

In the rush of Huang Jing's veins, he found a scent outside of God's realm that was exactly the same as that of the white-clothed girl.

The phoenix crystal vein is like grabbing a life-saving straw, the whole vein flashes rapidly, and invisible divine thoughts gush out to the barren city.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for the reward from Cheng Jiao, who took Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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