Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2902: Emperor's Scepter

Chapter 2902 God Emperor Scepter

Everyone stared at the palm-sized black vortex above the Phoenix Crystal vein.

"This...this is the Qi of the Most Yin!"

The four Black Dragon Kings took the lead to look at each other and exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, this is indeed the most yin cyclone, and the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family is the foundation of their lives in this world."

"Everyone, the emperor has successfully entered the most secret core of Huang Yu Palace, and this situation is even more beneficial to our Black Dragon clan.

The ancestor elder's lips twitched lightly, and slowly looked around the crowd, with the potential to win.

"No, of course not."

The four Black Dragon Kings looked stiff, and even if they were unwilling in their hearts, they had to admit it.

The Black Dragon clan was born from the most yang energy at the beginning of the gestation of all things in the world, while the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan was purified and condensed from the most yin energy.

At present, there is only one group of Zhiyang cyclone on the True God Continent, placed in the deepest part of the Black Dragon Palace, and is closely guarded by the Black Dragon family.

The Heilong clan was bred by the Zhiyang Qi, and the Zhiyang cyclone, which can continuously produce the Zhiyang Qi, is the foundation of their black dragons.

The Nine Feathers Yanhuang Clan was conceived from the Qi of the Most Yin, and the Cyclone of the Most Yin was also their foundation of life.

As long as there is a ray of Yin Qi and Yang Qi in this world, the two clans will never perish.

In other words, even if they held the goddess as a hostage in their hands, or completely defeated the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan and killed all the people in the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan, they would not be able to completely wipe out the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan.

But now, Emperor Wuming actually sneaked directly under the Yin Cyclone, which is naturally more beneficial to the Black Dragon clan than holding the goddess in the palm of his hand.

One Yin and One Yang, the way of heaven and earth.

As long as the emperor Wuming finds a way to bring this yin cyclone back to the black dragon clan, and merge it with the existing yang cyclone of the black dragon clan, it will produce the emperor's scepter that directly symbolizes the rule of the entire world.

Those who obtain the Scepter of God Emperor will have the right to dominate all continents.

As long as the scepter of the gods falls into the hands of their Black Dragon clan, the world is my possession, and which clan I want to erase will be erased. Wiping the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan completely is just a matter of fingertips.

All the black dragons present showed ecstasy in their eyes.

Everyone fantasizes that they will get the Emperor's Scepter and sit on the seat of the Emperor.

"Why, do you still worry that Wuming will join hands with the goddess to deal with our black dragon clan?"

The ancestor elder smiled lightly at the expression in the eyes of the black dragons.

Di Wuming was indeed the lucky star of their Black Dragon clan, and as soon as he returned, he gave such a great gift to the Black Dragon clan.

"No, naturally not, ancestor elders, I was short-sighted."

The four Black Dragon Kings took the lead to react, and a vigilance suddenly appeared in the depths of their eyes.

Now, they certainly would not doubt that Emperor Wuming would take refuge in the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

What they were worried about was that the Emperor Wuming held Zhiyin Cyclone in his hands, and eventually the God Emperor's scepter would fall into the hands of Emperor Wuming.

"Elder Ancestor, I am waiting for my short-sightedness, and I am here to apologize to the emperor. It shouldn't be too late. I would like to ask the emperor to do it immediately to get the deepest cyclone.

The four black dragon kings hypocritically apologized to the emperor Wuming through the sound transmission jade.

What's the point of a two-line apology to make Zhi Yin Qixuan get there soon?

"Nameless, there are many dreams in the night, let's do it."

The always calm ancestor elders couldn't help but urge.

Zhiyin cyclone arrived, and synthesized the **** emperor's scepter. In the black dragon clan, whether it was seniority or strength, he was naturally the **** emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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