Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2889: Bad for me

Chapter 2889

"Oh, I see, those two are fools."

Xiao Haitang's delicate face finally unfolded completely.

It's no wonder that the poor-looking aunt and the old man thought that they could really kill her mother, didn't they see her father here.

Xiao Haitang had a very bad impression of the two of them, and he was very upset at their various actions to belittle their mothers.

But when I thought that they were idiots...Forget it, she was so smart, how could she bother with idiots.

"Yes, my baby is smart."

Jun Mohuang squeezed Xiao Haitang's soft face.

After driving Zhao Wuxing and others out of the barren city, Di Lingtian handed a rune combination, and the group was completely isolated outside the city.

In this life, this group of people will never want to enter the barren city again.

Finally, no one will bother.

Outside the barren city, Zhao Wuxing and others were swept out, and the group spent a lot of vitality in their bodies before they could barely stand firm.

Zhao Wuling, who was injured in his body before healed, spewed out several mouthfuls of blood.

The Celestial Silkworm Armor can protect her life during this time, but it can only protect her life, and cannot continue to resist damage.

"Miss Jun!"

Zhao Wuxing couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw himself appear outside the deserted city.

He did not expect that Jun Mohuang would refuse to cooperate with him so decisively.

After all, in the jurisdiction of the Godless Sect, or even the jurisdictions of the nearby major Shenzongs, everyone would give a bit of face when they heard the words "Shenzong".

Jun Mohuang's reaction completely exceeded his expectations.

"Big brother, that woman just wanted to kill me, but you didn't care about my safety and wanted to win her to cooperate with her. Wait and see, when I return to the Godless Sect, I will definitely tell him this time from my father. ."

"Humph, just wait for the bad luck!"

Almost killed and being swept out of the house, compared with the lack of spirit, this encounter was the first time in his life.

Under this circumstance, Zhao Wuxing wanted to step forward and stick to Jun Mohuang, which made Zhao Wuling furious.

Zhao Wuxing gave a cold snort, crushed the transmission jade charm, and disappeared in place.

Obviously, she was out of anger, and went straight back to the sect of the Godless Sect.

"Young City Lord, Miss Wuling is angry. What can I do? The subordinate reminded Young City Lord that he should not have any relationship with that woman surnamed Jun, but you..."

After Zhao Wuling goes back, he must sue Zhao Wuxing severely. Zhao Wuxing's status is already at stake.

I'll go and file a lawsuit again...

Old Lian's face turned pale, and his mouth began to chatter again.

"To shut up!"

Old Lian's chattering was interrupted by Zhao Wuxing's anger.

"Is she your master or am I your master?! Since you are so concerned about her, go and follow her immediately."

Zhao Wuxing's complexion was livid, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

With a flick of the sleeves, several teleportation jade charms immediately appeared at the feet of Lao Lian.

Young City Lord, the old man has been with you for thousands of years. Watching you grow up, actually want to drive the old man away because of an outsider..."

Old Lian looked at the few teleport jade charms under his feet, and every wrinkle on the old face trembled.

"Old Lian, do you know how much you broke me!"

According to Wuxing, he looked pitiful, and his heart felt soft when he heard his cares for himself over the years.

If you blame it, you can't spit it out, you can only swallow it forcibly.

Zhao Wuxing sighed helplessly, and threw a teleportation jade charm to Lao Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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