Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2890: Incompetent bungler

Chapter 2890

"What, it is necessary for the Starless Divine Sect to win two early-stage masters of the Yuanshen realm! The second son is too much, he clearly knows that you can't complete this task, and there is no Yuanshen realm's sixth-order strong outside!"

Old Lian picked up the sound transmission jade talisman, lit it, and immediately saw the most recent message in the sound transmission jade talisman, and immediately screamed.

In the entire True God Continent, the sixth stage of the Primordial God Realm was a super power in the early stage, only existing in the major gods.

According to Wuxing, where can I get two strong men from the sixth stage of the Primordial God Realm!

"Um... that old Lian, Miss Jun, and the emperor are the first-stage powerhouses of the sixth stage of the Yuanshen realm..."

Next to Mr. Lian, one of Zhao Wuxing's subordinates thought of Zhao Wuling lying miserably on the ice sheet. Suddenly, his mind flashed.

This genus was excited at first, and then his whole face collapsed.

"Huh, what are you kidding? Those two people can resist the beast tide, that is, they have some means. How can they be the first-stage powers of the sixth-order Yuanshen realm, how can they be in the barren city? Where to stay..."

Lao Lian first pulled down his face, and then thought of something, his face and a strong expression of shock.

"It won't be, it won't be, my God, it's so possible!"

Zhao Wuling kept accusing Jun Mohuang of killing her painfully. It can be seen that the person who will fly Zhao Wuling out of the deserted city must be Jun Mohuang.

According to the spiritlessness, he was at the fifth stage of the Primordial God Realm, and to reach this level, Jun Mohuang must be a strong person at the sixth stage of the Primordial God Realm.

Diling Weather is stronger than Jun Mohuang, he must also be a sixth-order powerhouse in the Primordial God Realm.

No wonder Zhao Wuxing ran to the deserted city as soon as he left the pass, with a good attitude, and earnestly wooing the two.

"That's it, that's it!"

Old Lian muttered aloud.

The sixth-order powerhouse of the Yuanshen realm is also a super powerhouse in the Starless Sect.

If Zhao Wuxing can win two Yuanshen realm sixth-order powerhouses for the Starless God Sect, the Sect Master will definitely let him return to the Starless God Sect.

"Young City Lord, your subordinates... the subordinates don't know what to do now."

Old Lian panicked instantly, who could have imagined that two Yuanshen realm sixth-order powerhouses would stay in a place like a barren city.

"You are so embarrassed to ask me what to do. You have already told you not to come to the barren city to ask for magic crystals."

Zhao Wuxing is angry, angry and helpless.

"Young City Lord, since you have known the sixth-order powerhouse of the Primordial God Realm for a long time, why didn't you tell us earlier so that such misunderstandings will not occur."

Elder Lian was also very wronged, and he can't be blamed for this.

"This is the end of the matter. It's no use talking more, let's go."

Zhao Wuxing felt bored, and Lian's words were too high for him.

Before that, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian hadn't shown their true strength at all. How could he tell whether they were the sixth-order powerhouses of the Primordial God Realm.

At the beginning, his instinct told him that the two people are by no means simple, they can only make friends, not offend, so he has repeatedly emphasized that Lian Lao and others cannot come to the barren city to ask for magic crystals.

When he first left the customs and received the order from the Starless God Sect, he didn't think about the two of them towards the sixth-order powerhouse of the original spirit realm.

Zhao Wuxing believed that since he could not fulfill the requirements of Zhao Wuying to make things difficult for himself, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian were the powerhouses who had recently received the sixth-order of the Primordial Divine Realm. He wanted to invite them to go to God's Domain with him.

Zhao Wuxing also came to the deserted city. After seeing Zhao Wuling who was almost killed, he really understood the strength of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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