Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2888: Brain is a good thing

Chapter 2888 The brain is a good thing

The hawker immediately shook his head like a rattle.

Regardless of his refusal, Jun Mohuang flicked his fingertips, a golden light popped from her fingertips and entered the hawker's eyebrows.

The hawker's body shook slightly, and a powerful but extremely gentle energy flowed along the center of his eyebrows, continuously washing the meridians, flesh and bones in his body.

Just like a long-dead seed meets the rain, the hawker keeps making a slight "pop" inside his body, and his whole body is rapidly changing.

The blood in his body is being purified in a very fast way.

The hawker immediately realized what was going on in his body, suppressed his inner joy, and immediately entered a state of cultivation.

"It's so mysterious."

Old Lian sneered disdainfully and murmured.

Cut, this hawker will not be able to advance to the second-order physique of the Primordial Divine Realm for a lifetime, so he immediately meditates.

It made it as if the woman Jun Mohuang made a golden light, and the hawker could be promoted to improve her bloodline.

"Miss Jun, this matter is a misunderstanding..."

Zhao Wuxing would naturally not kill his own sister for Jun Mohuang, even though his sister was really annoying most of the time.

The power of the Starless Divine Sect was too great to provoke him, nor did he want Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian to provoke him.

Getting into the Godless Sect is definitely a big trouble.

"Well, I already know what you mean, you can go."

With a flick of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, a powerful force pushed Zhao Wuxing's group away.

The strength was so great that Zhao Wuxing and the others could not resist at all, and were immediately pushed out of the barren city by this force.

Just as Zhao Wuxing and the others were pushed out, the vendor who had been baptized by Jun Mohuang suddenly opened his eyes.

A large amount of black impurities were removed from the pores, and his clothes were dyed black in an instant.

Energy fluctuations twice as powerful as before came out of the peddler's body, his aura climbed steadily, and he was promoted from the early stage of the first stage of the Yuanshen realm to the first stage of the second stage of the Yuanshen promotion.

"The purity of my blood has improved, and I have advanced!"

"Miss Jun, thank you Miss Jun for your reinvention!"

The hawker probed his body several times in disbelief, and confirmed that his body had undergone qualitative changes, and that the originally mixed blood had been purified.

The hawker couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart and knelt down to Jun Mohuang on the spot.

Bloodline purification is such a thing, let alone him, even those strong people who come from a big influence and have a rich family background can't imagine it.

Now, this kind of pie-in-the-sky benefit happened to him!

The bloodline is purified and the strength is improved. The second stage of the Primordial God Realm is not his limit, but his beginning.

As long as he cultivates hard and hard, he can be promoted to the early stage of the third stage of the Yuanshen realm, which will completely change his fate.

All this is the credit of Jun Mohuang.

"It's just a small matter, practice hard in the future."

With a flick of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, a strong but gentle force immediately lifted the vendor's knees.

"Thank you Miss Jun, thank you Miss Jun."

In the gratitude of the hawker, Jun Mohuang's family of three left in a hurry.

"Daddy, are the heads of that aunt and that old man broken just now?"

Xiao Haitang shrank in Emperor Lingtian's arms, tilted his head, his delicate little face was confused.

One thing bothered her very much.

After thinking for a few seconds, Xiao Haitang really couldn't think of an answer, so he asked Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian stroked Xiao Haitang's two buds lightly, "Hey, it's not that the brain is broken, but the lack of brain."

(End of this chapter)

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