Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2887: Killed this woman as compensation

Chapter 2887 Killed this woman as compensation

In addition to being inanimate, the audience has the most dramas belonging to him.

"Tsk, it's so fierce, I'm scared to hear it."

An impatient mood flashed across Jun Mohuang's face, and he looked at Zhao Wuxing.

"Your subordinates and younger sisters have said so, do you want my head or insist on compensation."

"Ms. Jun, Lian's seniority is getting older. It is a little bit of reliance on the old and sells the old, and she likes to do her own thing. The sister-in-law is young and offends Miss Jun. She has been punished due to it. I hope Miss Jun will not be an enemy of the Starless Sect It's all a misunderstanding."

"Since everyone is misunderstanding, I naturally have to compensate Miss Jun and make this friend with Miss Jun."

After Zhao Wuxing was smashed by Lian Lao’s incitement, she lowered her face to make Lian Lao shut up.

Everyone knows the cost of being an enemy of the Starless Sect.

Zhao Wuxing didn't know the strength of Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang, so naturally he didn't want them to be chased by Godless Sect for the rest of their lives.

"Brother, this woman is extremely vicious, this is not a misunderstanding, she really wants to kill me!"

Zhao Wuling was indignant, she was the most honorable eldest lady of the Godless Sect. She was almost killed. This turned out to be just a misunderstanding!

Zhao Wuxing clearly saw the fighting power of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian, and wanted to draw the two to his team and enter the realm of God.

Wait, if Zhao Wuxing successfully pulls the two into the team, as long as she allows Zhao Wuxing and others to follow the Shenzong troops, wouldn't she be able to get along with her sweetheart every day?

Find another chance to kill Jun Mohuang, she and Di Lingtian have been in love for a long time, this is the safest way.

Zhao Wuling was finally smart and changed his mind immediately.

"Yes, Miss Jun and I really misunderstood. Brother, you continue."

"Miss Wuling..."

Old Lian was shocked and looked at Zhao Wuling. He didn't understand why Zhao Wuling, who had been united with him just now, suddenly changed his mind.

"Dead old man, shut up, if you dare to ruin this lady's good deeds, this lady will leave you dead!"

Zhao Wuling gave Old Lian a fierce look and threatened with a whisper.

Old Lian was puzzled and had to shut up obediently.

How could Jun Mohuang fail to see what Zhao Wuling was making.

Attributing the contradiction between her and Zhao Wuling to ordinary misunderstandings, Zhao Wuxing just wants to turn big things into small things.

Want to win her, but also want to make big things small and small things, how easy it is.

Jun Mohuang glanced at Zhao Wuling and Zhao Wuxing, then said lightly.

"Well, since you insist on compensation, then you kill this woman, just as compensation for me."

"You! You are so bold! You want to kill me!"

If it was not forbidden by conditions, Zhao Wuling would definitely rush to kill Jun Mohuang with a sword.

"Hmph, funny, you can kill me, why can't I want to kill you."

Jun Mohuang sneered and looked towards Zhao Wuxing.

"The Celestial Silkworm takes a fatal blow and has two hours of protection. During this time, no one can kill this woman. But you, as her relative, are not included."

"Since you want to win over our husband and wife, you should show your sincerity. Now, I will give you one minute to choose whether to kill or not to kill her."

Jun Mohuang dropped these words and ignored Zhao Wuxing, turning around to look at the peddler selling beads.

"No, no, Miss Jun, how did this make, you and the emperor saved our entire barren city..."

Today is updated...

thank? ? ? ? ? ? , Carrying away Yi's Cheng Jiao, looking up at the sky, smiling presumptuously. Wait for the baby's reward.

There are too many things at home during the small holiday, so after the Ching Ming holiday, I will resume updating, right?

(End of this chapter)

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