Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2670: Be jealous to new heights

Chapter 2670 is jealous to a new height

Zi Shuilan's trauma was simply treated, and his internal injuries were hardly treated. He can live to this day and is supported by strength and physical fitness.

Jun Mohuang said, "Don't worry, Shui Lan will be fine with me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

The other orc ministers knew that it was Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang arrived, and they finally felt a little settled in their hearts.

I have always heard that the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm has superb medical skills and she can definitely treat Zishuilan well.

The faces of the ministers of the Ziyun clan at Su Zhiyun were not so good.

They struggled to escape, but the coercion of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian made these people unable to straighten their backs, and there was no strength to escape.

Seeing Jun Mohuang arrived, Ziyun Zhizhen was completely relieved.

It could no longer support its huge body, shrank into the size of a kitten, trying to rub the corner of Jun Mohuang's skirt.

Jun Mohuang saw that it turned into a small ball, with scabs on his body, and his sympathy rose, and he wanted to bend over and reach out to touch it.

She hasn't touched the true meaning of Ziyun, nor has she had time to rub the corner of her skirt.

A force struck, hitting the Noble Truth of Ziyun.

The Truth of Ziyun couldn't stabilize his figure, and barely stood up after rolling off the platform.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing!"

Jun Mohuang looked at Emperor Lingtian with blame.

With such a cute little thing, he can bear it.

"Huang'er, the truth of Ziyun is a clone of Zi Shuilan, equivalent to his body. How could I allow you to touch it."

Di Lingtian snorted softly, with dissatisfaction with Zi Shuilan in his voice.

Zi Shuilan, the male fox, used the same trick to confuse his little wife, but there was no way.

In the previous life, he was a little purple fox, but this time he was a purple cloud.

He allowed her to rescue Zi Shuilan, which was already a huge concession.

Let her touch the meaning of Ziyun without thinking about it.


Jun Mohuang was a little helpless, Di Lingtian became jealous again, she didn't mean it.

She wanted to walk to Zi Shuilan and start treating him.

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand to hold her again.

"I'll treat him."

Di Lingtian was jealous and reached a new level. He could no longer tolerate Jun Mohuang treating Zi Shuilan's injuries.

"Ling Tian..."

Jun Mohuang looked at Emperor Lingtian speechlessly. As for, there were so many people on the scene, he was jealous everywhere.

"Huang'er is worried about her husband's treatment. Don't forget, your husband, like you, has already been promoted to the Primordial Spirit Realm. It is easy to treat a Zi Shuilan."

Therefore, the golden spirit spring does not need to be wasted on Zi Shuilan.

Emperor Lingtian's slender jade-like fingers grabbed the void, and a rune pen appeared out of thin air.

Di Lingtian's fingers holding the rune pen were slender and graceful, and the golden rune combinations continued to emerge from the rune pen, entering the center of Zishuilan's eyebrows.

The Di Ling weather field was fully open, and the golden holy halo and magic breath appeared behind him at the same time.

This is the bloodline power of both the rune and the demons.

The breath of holiness and light, and the breath of blood and darkness, two diametrically opposed energy rays appeared at the same time.

Everyone was shocked, their eyes widened in disbelief.

This news surprised them even more than hearing Di Lingtian say that he and Jun Mohuang were both promoted to the Primordial God Realm.

These two diametrically opposed powers are tens of thousands of times more difficult to control than simultaneously controlling the dual elements of ice and fire.

If one fails to balance the two energies, it is the crazy backlash of both energies at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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