Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2669: Make your face swollen symmetrically

Chapter 2669 Let your face swell symmetrically

Su Zhiyun snorted, triumphantly, satisfied to see thirteen people shut up.

At this time, she could finally expose Jun Mohuang's face to her heart's content.

Behind Su Zhiyun, the Noble Truth of Ziyun was unbearable and let out a roar.

It showed sharp claws, and was about to attack Su Zhiyun from behind.

The aura in the air vibrated violently, and every aura factor was rioting.

The air suddenly became thick and thick, and an extremely powerful and terrifying pressure spread, and everyone in the camp had difficulty breathing.

There are millions of catties of weight, suddenly pressing on everyone's back.

The hearts of those present were beating wildly, their scalp numb, and coldness spread from their heads to their feet.

As if a sharp and stern sword was driving to their necks at this moment.

His legs couldn't stand the pressure, and he fell to his knees.

The Truth of Ziyun stopped attacking Su Zhiyun, and the purple beast pupils suddenly shrank.

It feels a very familiar breath from the coercion, could it be...

The Truth of Ziyun just thought of this question in his heart, when an aura suddenly struck, Su Zhiyun, who was suppressed by the pressure and wanted to kneel, let out a scream, his body turned sideways in the air, and fell down.


The camp turned into fragments flying all over the sky.

Among the fragments, Emperor Lingtian came with Jun Mohuang.

Heavier pressure is on everyone, the suppression of the Primordial God Realm is not a joke, and they can't produce any resistance at all.

Everyone seemed to be shrouded in the supreme mighty heaven, and they could only crawl on the ground, shivering.

Su Zhiyun lay on the ground, clutching his right face swollen into a bun.

That strength was so strong that not only her face was swollen and deformed, but the corners of her lips were also torn, her teeth were knocked out in half, and her jaw was misplaced.

Perceiving someone coming, Su Zhiyun subconsciously looked up, and at first glance he saw Jun Mohuang looking at her condescendingly.

" bitch!"

Su Zhiyun was too angry when he saw Jun Mohuang suddenly.

As a result, she did not even see Emperor Lingtian beside Jun Mohuang, nor did she notice the strength and coercion of the Primordial Divine Realm she had leaked.

"Su Zhiyun, it seems that you haven't been beaten enough. Why, you want me to beat you again, so that your face is swollen on both sides, and it looks symmetrical and balanced?"

Jun Mohuang glanced at Su Zhiyun with a sneer in his golden eyes.

When she and Di Ling Tiancai came to the orc army garrison, they heard Su Zhiyun talking loudly.

This woman, whether in the Cangyuan Continent or in the Profound Capital Realm, is equally annoying.

"Since you insist on doing this, then I don't mind wasting any more energy."

After Jun Mohuang finished speaking, he didn't even wave his palm. A crisp sound hit Su Zhiyun's right face.

Su Zhiyun's right side quickly swelled like his left cheek, and the corner of his right lip was cracked.

The degree of swelling on the left and right sides of the face, and the degree of cracking of the left and right lip corners are exactly the same, truly achieving the symmetry mentioned by Jun Mohuang.

After two consecutive beats, Su Zhiyun was beaten into a daze, his entire head was numb, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Jun Mohuang ignored Su Zhiyun and walked towards Zi Shuilan.

Di Lingtian looked at Su Zhiyun with cold eyes, his **** eyes flashed slightly, revealing a hint of cruelty.

The sudden change left everyone in extreme consternation.

Zi Shuilan's thirteen subordinates reacted first.

"Your Majesty, Emperor, you two are finally here!"

"Your Majesty, please save us. Your Majesty is still in a coma even after all kinds of interference with this woman."

(End of this chapter)

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