Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2671: Emperor Ling Tian, ​​heaven and earth vitality

Chapter 2671 Emperor Lingtian, the vitality of heaven and earth

The backlash produced by the diametrically opposite energy is quite terrifying, and even the lives of those present will not be guaranteed.

They have never heard that someone can control two forces at the same time.

Even the most powerful Protoss in the world has never had it.

Everyone trembled, walking on thin ice, for fear that Emperor Lingtian could not control them well and would lose their lives.

In their panic, the golden halo and the magic breath met, and two completely different energy rays met.

These two energy sources with completely different attributes are perfectly combined to form the world's most original energy.

Everyone is attracted by the fluctuations generated by this energy. This is a brand new one. The energy he has never felt before is more suitable for the operation of the whole world and more suitable for cultivation than spiritual energy.

Everyone can't help but show yearning in their eyes, they really seem to feel and absorb this energy body.

Jun Mohuang's lips twitched lightly. These people didn't know what it was, but she knew very well.

This kind of energy body is naturally the vitality of heaven and earth, in addition to items with powerful energy such as the gods, it is the energy that is indispensable for promotion to the gods.

Although the constantly produced Heaven and Earth vitality is not as powerful as the energy in the gods, it is completely sufficient to heal Zi Shuilan's injuries.

The constantly generated heaven and earth vitality merged into Zi Shuilan's divine consciousness.

Zishuilan's complexion quickly recovered, but within half a minute, Zishuilan, who was seriously injured without medicine, breathed smoothly, and his complexion was ruddy and completely recovered.

It is estimated that I will wake up in a few minutes.

Jun Mohuang was completely relieved when he saw that his condition was stable.

Di Lingtian put away the rune pen, the golden halo and magic breath disappeared at the same time.

The Truth of Ziyun also enjoys the benefits of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, all traumas and internal injuries are restored, and the gorgeous purple fur is smooth again.

It wanted to rub the corner of Jun Mohuang’s skirt to show its gratitude, but immediately saw the threatening expression in Di Lingtian’s **** eyes, and groaned two times in annoyance. Go forward again.

The corners of Di Lingtian's graceful lips lifted slightly, and Zi Shuilan's animal-shaped clone was more pleasing to the eye than he himself.

"Xie Dizun, Your Majesty the Queen Xie!"

Many orc ministers showed excitement in their eyes.

With this move, Emperor Ling Tian did not use any medicine to heal their helpless injuries. There was only one explanation.

That is, he really promoted to the Yuanshen Realm.

As for why they want to thank Jun Mohuang, they knew very well that if it weren't for Jun Mohuang, Emperor Lingtian would definitely not rescue him, and he wouldn't even bother to come to Xuandu Realm.

While the ministers of the orc family were extremely grateful to the two of them, they finally sensed the fluctuations that belonged to the masters of the Primordial God Realm emanating from the Emperor Ling Tianjun and Mo Phoenix.

It's not that they are too stupid to feel it, but the coercion of the two directly cut off their perception.

Now that the two of them withdrew their coercion, their perception was completely restored.

"Congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen for promotion to the Primordial Spirit Realm, congratulations to the Emperor Zun Primordial Spirit Realm!"

The orc ministers looked even more joyful.

This time, Emperor Mohuang Emperor Ling Tian both advanced to the Primordial Divine Realm, and the Beast Emperor and his Majesty befriended the two, Luo Chen would no longer pose any threat to the Profound Capital Realm.

"No! Impossible, surnamed Jun, how can you become a Protoss!"

Su Zhiyun climbed up from the ground with difficulty, ignoring the laceration of the corner of his lips and mouth full of blood, his eyes widened, glaring at Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang's lips lightly tickled: "Interesting, why can't I become a **** race."

emmm, finally made up the six owed more. After finishing writing their emotional drama, they are a bit stuck in a bottleneck. They will be generalized in the morning and will not update. Today’s update will be tomorrow, and there are currently eight chapters owed today.

The update is complete today. Thank you JK-N6 for conquering Baiqi, Zhichu, Ying, and waiting for your rewards against your will, right?

(End of this chapter)

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