Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2582: I am the descendant of the gods!

Chapter 2582 I am the descendant of the gods!

Luo Chen couldn't let himself continue to make mistakes, no matter what, he must be forgiven by Jun Mohuang.

"Mo Aiqing, what happened before was the slander of the villain who mistakenly believed in the high priest, and blamed the Mo tribe. The Mo tribe has worked hard these years. Come back, this monarch will award the Mo tribe to the first tribe in the heavenly spirit world. The privileges of the people, and hand the high priest to the Mo family for disposal."

Not only that, Luo Chen began to throw the olive branch towards Mo Sie and the Mo Clan behind him.

Mo Phoenix was a member of the Mo Clan for the first time, and he valued the Mo Clan very much.

He was kind to her relatives in order to win her further.

Luo Chen's appearance immediately drew a boo from Jun Mohuang's companions, and Feng Yunqi and others were about to be sickened by him.

The corners of the Mo people's lips twitched, and they were not interested in Luo Chen's proposal.

What was Luo Chen doing when the Mo people were expelled in the early years, now that they see that Miss Jun of their Mo people is descended from the gods, she came to run the olive branch, ha ha.

The spirit races had wide-open eyes, looking at Luo Chen and the girl in white in disbelief.

Their prince actually admitted that the girl in white clothes was a fake, and that the priest is the real one.

This is exactly the same as their premonition just now.

Yes, in the matter of treating pregnant women of the Celestial Spirit Realm Spirit Race alone, the monarch priest is indeed a strong girl in white.

If it hadn't been for the white-clothed girl who had always had the name of the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, they would have already questioned her.

"Mo Huang, this monarch is sincerely aware of his mistakes and is willing to make up for you and the Mo Clan, this woman, you can dispose of it at will."

Luo Chen lifted the collar of the girl in white and threw her forward.

In order to win the favor of Jun Mohuang, Luo Chen also worked hard.

In the sky, Jun Mohuang quietly floated, just sneered.

Her eyes were on the Crystal of Origin that was flying towards her, and she had no time to pay attention to Luo Chen.

The Crystal of Origin is only a hundred meters away from her.

She can now feel the cordial feeling that the Essence Crystal will have with her when she is about to return.

"Luo Chen! You! How could you treat me like this!"

The girl in white was smashed by Luo Chen and hit the ground directly.

She turned her head and glared at Luo Chen, her golden eyes burning with anger.

"You woman lied to my lord once before, and then lied to my lord after rebirth, and caused my lord to misunderstand Mo Phoenix."

"The grievances Mo Phoenix suffered are all because of you! Today, this lord wants to make up for his own mistakes and kill you so that Mo Phoenix can know this lord's determination."

Luo Chen saw that the crystal of the origin was about to fly into the hands of Jun Mohuang, but she still ignored him completely, and she summoned a white lightsaber to swing at the girl in white.

"Luo Chen! You! How dare you treat me this way, how dare you treat me this way! You will regret it, you will regret it!"

The white-clothed girl trembled with anger, clenched her silver teeth, a rush of blood rushed towards her forehead, and a flash of scarlet light flashed across her eyes.

The origin crystal can only be hers, and the identity of the descendants of the **** race can only be hers!

The white-clothed girl was very angry, stretched out her hands, looked at the Origin Crystal and shouted: "Come!"

Seeing that the Origin Crystal was about to fly to Jun Mohuang's hands, it was suddenly pulled by an invisible force, turned its direction, and instantly flew to the hands of the white-clothed girl.

The crystal golden light of the origin bloomed, and the girl in white was enveloped by a golden halo, lifted and suspended in the air, at the same height as Jun Mohuang.

"Hahahahaha! Everyone, wide your eyes to see clearly, I am the descendant of the Protoss, not this bitch!"

Don’t worry, the original crystal is not the best, I will arrange the best for Mo Phoenix

(End of this chapter)

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