Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2583: It's crazy for a woman

Chapter 2583 is really crazy for a woman

The white-clothed girl raised the crystal of the origin above her head, her facial features began to twist with her ecstatic expression.

She looked at Jun Mohuang and Luo Chen domineeringly, and let out a sneer.

In her hands, the crystal of the origin burst into brilliant golden light.

There is a ray of colorful halo, rising from the golden light.

The colorful halo became more and more, spontaneously gathering, and began to flow into the sea of ​​white-clothed girls.

This is the sign of the crystal of the origin thoroughly recognizing the Lord.

"Huang'er, Huang'er, I blamed you, this woman is sinister and cunning, using conspiracy and tricks to divorce the feelings between my lord and Huanger..."

Luo Chen's face turned faster than the book again. Seeing that the white-clothed girl had the upper hand, he immediately stood on the white-clothed girl's side.

Other bystanders looked at all this in a daze, obviously not recovering from this reversal.

The white-clothed man stood quietly behind, his golden eyes staring directly at Emperor Lingtian.

Even if the crystal of the origin does not approve the girl in white, under his series of plans, the power of the blood of the gods in his body, the crystal of the origin has to obediently transform the spirit power for the girl in white and recognize her as the master.

The crystal of the origin recognizes whoever is the master, who is the descendant of the gods.

Now, he wanted to see what his dear brother would choose.

If his brother behaved like Luo Chen did, that would be too interesting.

He was already eager to see, after Di Lingtian chose the girl in white, Jun Mohuang's face showed shock, despair, and wounded expressions.

That little pitiful and full of annoyance will definitely be very beautiful.

"come back!"

Facing the sudden situation, Jun Mohuang's lips pressed slightly.

She can clearly sense that there are still a few intimate connections between the Origin Crystal and her, and it clearly wants to return to her.

Jun Mohuang continued to use this power to pull back the Crystal of Origin with the help of supernatural powers.

In this short second, she used all the methods she could use, and it was still useless.

She couldn't even attack the white-clothed girl now, and kill the white-clothed girl before the crystal of the origin completely recognized the master.

Jun Mohuang couldn't understand why she had such a problem because she clearly had a lotus flower composed of all lotus petals in her hand, and the original crystal was clearly close to her.

"Huang'er, it's useless, let me come."

Di Lingtian looked at all the expressions of the white-clothed man, and his **** eyes were unpredictable.

Di Lingtian stretched out and grabbed to the void, a blood-colored spear suddenly appeared.

Countless magical breaths representing blood and killing, shrouded the spear, and quickly shrouded the world.

Everyone was scarlet in front of them, and there was blood everywhere, and there was a life-threatening ghost in front of them, as if they had come to Shura Hell.

Several magical breaths with the strongest energy formed a rope to bind the man in white.

Emotional breakdown finally appeared in the golden eyes of the man in white, and a few shocks appeared.

The blood, killing and other extreme parental energies contained in the devil's breath were incompatible with the blood of the gods in his body. He lost a drop of gods blood and his strength had not been fully recovered, and the white man was completely imprisoned.

"Di Lingtian, you are really crazy for a woman!"

The man in white did not wait for the results he wanted, but was imprisoned, his golden eyes sinking, and a sneer suddenly appeared.

Since he wanted to die, he didn't mind helping him.

Emperor Lingtian waved his long arm, and the **** spear turned into a **** streamer, unstoppable.

The devil's breath surged in the sky, and instantly entered the spear, and the spear flew towards the crystal of origin in the hands of the white-clothed girl.

(End of this chapter)

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