Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2581: Turning over is faster than turning over a book

Chapter 2581 is faster than turning a book

Fortunately, they did not follow the advice of the gold swallowing beast to help a descendant of the **** race whose hands were stained with blood.

The Protoss is revived, the Protoss is really as sinister and cunning as always!

The fissure with tortoise shells also spread to the habitat of these populations.

Seeing the extremely special fissure, all the wild beasts immediately had the backbone in their hearts, and marched toward the location of the basalt giant tortoise.

In front of the palace, at the center of the golden waves, Jun Mohuang quietly suspended in the air.

She looked at the golden lotus in her hand with a slight smile on her lips.

A golden wave of light directly tore through the void and reached the depths of the holy pond, engulfing the crystal of the source.

The golden light trails tore in the void one after another, and the original crystal golden light is brilliant, dyeing the entire world into a golden piece.

The white-clothed man stood quietly behind everyone, looking at the crystal of the origin, with bright golden eyes and a smile on the corner of his lips, he set his gaze on Di Lingtian.

The good show is about to be staged, dear brother, you will definitely lose this time.

Di Lingtian's **** eyes were as plain as water, he passed everyone present and looked at the man in white.

The eyes of the two collided in the air.

Di Lingtian's beautifully shaped thin lips suddenly pulled out a cold mocking smile.

Must lose? Then we will wait and see.

Among all the people present, no one noticed the interaction between the two, including Jun Mohuang, their attention was all attracted by the Crystal of Origin.

In the golden light of the sky, the crystal of the origin flew towards Jun Mohuang, like a golden meteor, extremely gorgeous.

The Heart of Origin exudes that powerful sacred power, and most of the people present will have difficulty breathing.

Many of them couldn't help kneeling down to Jun Mohuang and worshiping her.

This is the power of the original crystal.

Luo Chen glanced at Jun Mohuang and the Crystal of Origin that were heading towards her, and suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped the girl in white around him.

The girl in white was slapped to the ground by Luo Chen's slap in an instant.

"Brother Chen, you..."

She clutched her swollen face and looked at Luo Chen with disbelief.

"You counterfeit, don't call me Brother Chen, you are not my Huang'er!"

Luo Chen looked at the girl in white with extreme disgust and kicked her away.

"Huang'er, I was wrong! Huang'er, this woman has been pretending to be you to deceive my own. I did what I did to you before, and she was instigated by her."

"Huang'er, this lord knows that you must be grudges against this lord in your heart, but it doesn't matter, this is a mistake made by this lord, this is the punishment that this lord deserves, I only ask Huanger you to give this lord a chance."

When Luo Chen looked at Jun Mohuang again, his attitude suddenly changed.

A sincere confession of mistakes, begging to give a chance to change his appearance.

He always knew what the identities behind the white girl and Jun Mohuang represented, and knew that one of them was true and the other was false.

Only in the two previous lives, Luo Chen always believed that the white-clothed girl was the true descendant of the **** race, and Jun Mohuang was just a foil.

Unexpectedly, Luo Chen made a big mistake, mistakenly used fish eyes as pearls, discarded the real pearls, and handed them to Di Lingtian.

In the second life, Luo Chen thought that he would never make a mistake again, but he did not expect that the Mo Phoenix he was thinking of was a girl in white who had come back from the dead in the previous life, posing as a pretender.

He got people wrong again.

Luo Chen knows what is behind the identity of the descendants of the **** race, better than anyone.

Come to Chapter 2 at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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