Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2553: Mildly disabled

Chapter 2553 Mild Disability

The Heart of Blood Fiend lost a few tentacles and became slightly disabled.

The Heart of Blood Fiend uttered an inaudible cry of pain and anger. It mobilized more tentacles and attacked the three of them, only to encounter more golden spirit springs.

The Heart of Blood Fiend screamed more sternly.

It didn't give up, and it condensed the blood evil spirit into a thick barrier to protect itself.

Still useless, the golden spirit spring poured down, the enchantment or something, it was all clouds.

After so many times, the Heart of Blood Fiend finally didn't dare to regenerate the mind to capture the three and swallow it.

It had to give up resistance unwillingly, wrap itself into a ball with its blood-colored tentacles, trying to escape.

However, Jun Mohuang saw exactly where it was going when it ran away. Where the blood evil heart wanted to escape, the golden spirit spring was splashed where it went.

After so many times, the Heart of Blood Fiend went around, still locked in the hall firmly, and couldn't go anywhere.

Its hundreds of scarlet tentacles have been purified by a quarter of the golden spirit spring, and the number of blood men is constantly decreasing.

The Heart of Blood Fiend was so angry that it couldn't resist, but it could not produce any resistance.

The fighting situation was reversed.

Before it was Jun Mohuang, Emperor Lingtian and Zi Shuilan were unable to eliminate the heart of blood man and blood evil no matter what method they used.

Now, any method that is the Heart of Blood Fiend in the Primordial God Realm is useless.

After all, it is not a humanoid creature in the Primordial Divine Realm. Compared with the real Protoss, it has limited means.

Therefore, it is nothing more than the blood of evil spirits.

When the Heart of Blood Fiend encounters a natural enemy, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be used.

The Heart of Blood Fiend can only keep running away with its tentacles holding its head.

Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang, and Zi Shuilan each performed their duties.

The Blood Fiend Heart of the Primordial God Realm had already produced a high level of spiritual intelligence, and it must not be allowed to escape.

Once it escapes, it will lie down and bleed for thousands of miles, and the world will be in chaos. If you want to catch it and destroy it, you will have to die at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives.

The three dared not be careless.

Jun Mohuang concentrated all his attention, blocking the escape path of the Blood Fiend Heart with the golden spiritual spring.

Zi Shuilan and Jiuyuan Thunder Eel focus on dealing with blood people.

Di Lingtian's attention was all in the rune combination that was continuously carved and drawn.

There were continuous golden rune combinations overflowing from the rune pen in his hand, and the golden rune combinations in the air began to increase.

The combination of runes spontaneously changes into golden threads.

Di Lingtian focused on engraving the rune combination, no one noticed, his eyes drooped slightly, glanced somewhere below, and quickly moved away.

Below the hall, where the entrance hallway connects with the hall, Rong Yun and Yao Xuan each held two jade charms, standing in the dark, watching the situation in the hall.

When they entered the meteorite, it was not as smooth as the three of Jun Mohuang.

It took a lot of trouble.

They simply had two sacrificial jade charms in their hands, and they were willing to walk in here.

When the two arrived here, the Heart of Blood Fiend was born, and Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan were in an extremely disadvantaged position.

Yao Xuan and Rong Yun had seen the wave of attack intensity of Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, and their reactions were different.

Rong Yun's heart is slightly relaxed, and the two of them are so strong, Jun Mohuang's danger can be reduced a bit.

Yao Xuan's mentality is completely opposite.

He watched the exchange between the two sides, with an urgent desire in his eyes.

It turned out that this was the strength of the Yuanshen Realm.

So powerful, even Emperor Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, the two super powerhouses of the ninth-order Dzogchen of Yuansheng Realm, were also crushed and beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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