Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2552: Deeply understand the last word

Chapter 2552 Deeply understand the last word

Countless blood people turned into countless blood evil spirits in the dripping of the golden spiritual spring, and then they were thoroughly cleaned by the next wave of golden spiritual spring.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips lightly twitched, and Zi Shuilan looked at each other, and the two began to work together again, launching various strongest attacks.

This time, a miracle happened.

After taking the attack of the two people after taking the golden spirit spring, after the blood man was torn to pieces again, the blood evil spirit that the blood man transformed into was directly consumed by one third.

The recondensed blood man loses one-third of his body, and can no longer absorb any energy released during the two attacks.

Under the reduction of one-third time and time again, a large number of blood people wailed and disappeared between heaven and earth.

It seems that the two of them absorbed the spiritual energy transformed by the golden spiritual spring, and they also took part of the golden spiritual spring's credit.

The number of blood men dropped rapidly, and within a few seconds, thousands of blood men disappeared completely.

There were more than 100,000 blood people crawling out of the blood pool, densely packed in this space, and more blood people crawled out of the blood pool under the control of the blood evil heart.

But this is a good beginning after all.

Di Lingtian asked, "Huang'er, how many golden spiritual springs do you have."

"There are so many, more than enough to deal with this ugly heart."

Jun Mohuang didn't worry about the lack of direct golden spiritual spring.

Ever since the Heavenly Spirit Realm began to gain the power of the light source, the output of the Golden Spirit Spring began to skyrocket.

After obtaining the power of the light source of the girl in white clothes, after entering the holy pond, the output of the golden spirit spring began to surge again.

Now, in the special space of her Qi Sea, the mountain spiritual power is no longer the small golden spiritual spring, but the golden flood.

Because the consumption of the golden spirit spring is not very large, Jun Mohuang is at a stage where it is completely sufficient, and she has no feeling for the increase in the output of the golden spirit spring.

This time, Jun Mohuang had a deep understanding of the last word of what is called Tianlingdibao.

"Huang'er, use the golden spirit spring to protect the rune combination I will engrave."

Di Lingtian's perfect thin lips lightly hooked, and a golden rune pen appeared in his hand.

Di Lingtian attacked with one hand, and lightly held the rune pen in the other. A group of golden runes overflowed from the tip of the pen and flew everywhere in the air.

Jun Mohuang understood it, and immediately understood what Emperor Lingtian wanted to do.

Her actions immediately followed, and under the protection of the golden spirit spring, no blood person dared to destroy the rune combination that Emperor Lingtian could produce.

There were already three black dot scars on the blood fiend heart.

The three scars were unusually eye-catching on a piece of blood.

Xue Shazhi hadn't suffered this kind of loss. He heard Jun Mohuang's ugly words and was more than enough to deal with it. Seeing Di Lingtian engraving the formation to deal with it, he couldn't help being furious.

It constantly waved hundreds of tentacles, trying to wave the golden spirit spring to the side, and then attack the golden runes floating in the air.

Want to break up the golden runes.

The Heart of Blood Fiend is not stupid, it has already realized that Emperor Lingtian is the descendant of the rune.

Regardless of whether his formation can deal with him or not, he must immediately kill these rune combinations.

How can Jun Mohuang make the blood evil heart succeed.

The ten fingers are slender, and the speed of turning and printing is extremely fast, turning into afterimages after another.

The golden spiritual spring poured on the heart of the blood evil like a waterfall.

The few tentacles of the Heart of Blood Fiend touched the waterfall-like spiritual spring, bursts of blue smoke rose, and the blood-colored tentacles were directly purified.

(End of this chapter)

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