Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2554: Yao Xuan got the heart of blood evil

Chapter 2554 Yaoxuan gets the heart of blood evil

He must become the primordial spirit, an existence that destroys the world.

In this way, it is in line with his talent and noble status.

Only in this way can Emperor Lingtian be defeated, Jun Mohuang stomped fiercely, and revenge for all the Yao family!

Yao Xuan's eyes beamed, watching the battle, with a little conflict in his heart.

On the one hand, he hoped that the Heart of Blood Fiend would immediately kill Jun Mohuang.

On the one hand, I also hope that Jun Mohuang can hold on for a little longer, and while consuming his strength crazily, he can completely suppress the Heart of Blood Fiend, so that he will have the opportunity to get the Heart of Blood Fiend and complete the task here.

Otherwise, the heart of the blood evil spirit is so powerful, he will be sent to death in vain.

After seeing Jun Mohuangguo really reversing the battle, Yao Xuan was not calm at all.

Envy, jealousy, resentment and other emotions flashed in his eyes one by one.

Rong Yun's deep black eyes stared at the heart of Jun Mo Phoenix and Blood Fiend, and the emotions in his eyes surged fiercely.

Finally, his eyes closed slightly and he made up his mind.

The energy of the Heart of Blood Fiend is so majestic and evil, it must not be allowed to be born, let alone let people get it.

He wants to stop all this.

Rong Yun squeezed the two jade charms in his hand, and cracks began to appear in the jade charms.

The moment the jade amulet began to shatter, Rong Yun's whole body was full of energy and blood, and the spiritual energy raged in the sea of ​​Qi, and he was about to rush out of his body.

Blood poured from his throat to his mouth, Rong Yun restrained it to the utmost degree, swallowing calmly, without disturbing Yao Xuan.

The hall air.

The blood men had all been wiped out, and the air in the hall was finally empty.

The heart of Blood Fiend had lost all the **** tentacles by Jun Mo Phoenix's golden spirit spring, and only a bald heart was left running around in the air.

The heart was covered with black scorched scars, and the heart of Blood Fiend was greatly reduced, and it was no longer as before.

The golden threads merged with the strength of the golden spirit spring, gathered and staggered to form a great seal formation.

The Heart of Blood Fiend couldn't retreat, and was trapped in the center by the seal formation.

In the center of the formation, gold threads matched the golden spirit springs, constantly devouring the energy in the heart of the blood evil spirit.

The blood of the **** heart gradually faded and began to become transparent.

It loses all its momentum, and it no longer has the power to struggle.

"Give me the jade talisman."

Yao Xuan's eyes lighted up, pulling Rong Yun's sleeves, an expression of impatient urgency appeared on his face.

He silently expressed his request.

Rong Yun looked down slightly, and handed the two jade charms in his hand to the Xuan.

Yao Xuan eagerly wanted to get the blood evil heart, the jade charm that was invisible to him.

Holding four jade charms in his hands, he pressed **** his toes and jumped to the edge of the formation.

Yao Xuan directly shot the four jade charms towards the formation.

With a soft "chaka", four seemingly inconspicuous jade charms directly shot Di Lingtian's seal formation into a gap.

The Heart of Blood Fiend who had been born with no love was keenly aware of the abnormality, and immediately fled to the gap at the fastest speed.

Yao Xuan stood at the gap.

He stared at the Heart of Blood Fiend rushing towards him with his eyes, with an expression of desperation and madness on his face, opened the white jade box, ready to shut the Heart of Blood Fiend in the white jade box at any time.

Sacrificing the jade amulet will form a thick defensive barrier to protect him. This barrier is the power of the gods. Even if Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan team up to make a combined blow, they can’t help him kind.

He got the Heart of Blood Fiend and was protected by the Protoss enchantment until he was safe.

(End of this chapter)

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