Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2551: Golden spring rain

Chapter 2551 Golden Spirit Spring Rain

With a thought to Jun Mohuang, a small pot of golden spiritual spring appeared in her hand.

The water elemental spirit that had completely turned blood red was soaked in the golden spirit spring by her.

The golden spirit spring enters the body of the water elemental spirit, and the spirit spring meets the blood evil spirit, and there is a constant sizzling sound.

The blood of evil spirits cannibalized and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood evil spirit in the golden spirit spring could not produce the slightest resistance.

A small pot of golden spiritual spring was completely consumed, and the blood evil spirit in the water elemental spirit body was purified by a quarter.

The golden spirit spring is useful!

Jun Mohuang raised his eyebrows with joy, and directly raised his mind to go to a tub of golden spiritual spring. The spirit of the water element was overjoyed and immediately jumped in.

As the number of golden spiritual springs increases, the speed of purification becomes faster.

After half a minute, all the blood evil qi in the spirit of the water element was purified.

The **** evil spirit in the mirror world also disappeared without a trace.

After the restoration, the water elemental spirit crystal is very weak, and the mirror world cannot be activated.

Jun Mohuang received it into the spatial ring and let it rest, so as not to be contaminated by the blood evil heart again.

Jun Mohuang's eyes are shining, it doesn't matter if he can't activate the mirror world.

Anyway, she found a way to restrain the Qi and the Heart of Blood Fiend.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan joined hands to deal with the heart of the blood evil spirit, their bodies were tight, and they did not dare to relax.

With the ninth-level Great Perfection of the Yuansheng realm against the blood evil heart of the Yuanshen realm, as well as the white energy line and blood man, this is an absolutely impossible task for anyone.

The Heart of Blood Fiend didn't expect the two of them to be so difficult to chew, it was beyond its expectations.

But it doesn't matter, the aura of the two is about to run out, and the Heart of Blood Fiend is ready for the final blow.

The rich blood evil spirit spread out from the blood evil spirit, and the entire space was enveloped by the red blood mist, blocking the sight of Emperor Lingtian and Zi Shuilan.

The Heart of Blood Fiend madly twisted hundreds of tentacles, vowing to pinch the three of them in their palms immediately.

It can't wait to swallow fresh power.

Just when the Heart of Blood Fiend thought he would succeed, the protected Jun Mohuang made a seal with both hands, and directly sent a large number of golden spiritual springs to Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan by moving objects in the air. The sea of ​​air.

A warm current rises from the two people's sea of ​​qi, and the pure and majestic spiritual energy fills the meridians in the body.

The aura that the two had consumed crazily returned to full in an instant.

Suddenly, dense golden droplets fell like rain in the air.

When the blood-colored mist touched the golden raindrops, it immediately became thinner and lighter.

When the blood people came into contact with the golden raindrops, they cried out in dissonance.

The golden raindrops were like flames melting wax blocks, and the blood people's bodies began to melt, turning into a large amount of blood evil air, which was swallowed and purified by a burst of golden raindrops that followed.

Not only that.

Where the golden raindrops passed, the white energy line was suppressed.

The golden raindrops dripped onto the heart of the blood evil spirit, and a burst of blue smoke appeared on the heart of the blood evil spirit, making a sizzling noise, leaving a round black burning mark.

Jun Mohuang sprinkled the golden spiritual spring in the sea of ​​qi without money using supernatural powers to form this endless golden raindrop.

During this period of time, a large number of golden spiritual springs have been condensed in the special space in her sea of ​​anger. Under such a large consumption, she does not feel distressed.

The blood people realized the power of the golden spirit spring and rushed to avoid it with their heads.

The golden springs are everywhere, how can they be avoided?

(End of this chapter)

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