Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2550: Remember to work hard

Chapter 2550 Remember to work harder

This pit cargo, what brought it to the super genius of the Thunder Element, obviously pushed it into the fire pit, no, it was delivered at the dinner table.

The nine yuan thunder eel began to continuously spew out thunder element attacks, sharing the pressure of Emperor Lingtian and Zi Shuilan.

"Remember to work hard."

Di Lingtian's thin lips twitched lightly, not forgetting to add a request.


Jiuyuan Thunder Eel promised hurriedly and began a desperate attack.

It does not want to be contaminated by the blood evil spirit.

The spirit of the water element is a spiritual body. It’s better to say that if you find a way to purify it, you won’t suffer any pain during purification.

It is a body of flesh and blood, contaminated with the qi of blood, every inch of bone and blood will be reshaped during purification. The taste is hundreds of times more uncomfortable than killing it to make eel rice.

Next to Jun Mohuang, the water elemental spirit was wilting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If she can't find a way to completely purify the blood line within a minute, the spirit of the water element will be completely polluted and become a puppet of the Heart of Blood Fiend.

"Master, give up on me, I want to explode, I don't want to become a puppet of that **** heart."

To become a puppet of the Heart of Blood Fiend means to be an enemy of his master.

The Water Elemental Crystal definitely didn't want to see the appearance of this scene, it would rather rush to the enemy's camp and blew itself.

"You are not allowed to say such things, you are my spirit body, and I can only decide your life and death."

At the critical moment, Jun Mohuang was calm and calm to the extreme.

The red silk thread in the body of the water elemental spirit body is the blood evil spirit, and the blood evil spirit is most afraid of its sacred attribute or a powerful attack with extremely destructive power.

For example, the power of the light source, and the ink flame of Jun Mohuang.

However, she had used these methods to deal with blood people in turn before, and the facts proved that these methods were useless, and even a **** thread could not be purified.

After all, this is the blood and evil spirit of the blood and essence of the gods.

The line of rules, since she entered this meteorite, she has not seen a line of rules.

There are no regular lines available.

Penetration, vision, and supernatural powers are of no use to the heart of blood evil and blood people.

Dragon Blood Scepter... Dragon Blood Scepter confronts the Qi of Blood Fiend, and it's enough if it doesn't help.

The scepter of dragon blood is transformed by the essence and blood of all the dragons in the past, and the blood of the blood evil is produced by the blood of the gods and the essence of the blood. The two are essentially the same thing.

It's just that the attributes are different. The dragon blood scepter represents justice, and the blood evil spirit represents **** evil.

How can the energy of the blood of the dragon race surpass the blood of the **** race?

The dragon blood scepter was taken out, it would only be contaminated, and then madly counterattacked the side of Jun Mohuang.

This is also the real reason why Di Lingtian dared not use the magic breath again.

The suppressing power of the blood of the gods is too strong, and you must not use any energy related to the blood.

Jun Mohuang conveys aura to the water elemental spirit, delaying its malaise.

The brain is running fast, thinking about what means she has not used, whether it is non-attack or attack, it is the life-saving straw of the water elemental spirit.

In less than a second, a bright light suddenly burst out of Jun Mohuang's eyes.

Golden Spirit Spring.

Jun Mohuang never knew the specific effects of the golden spiritual spring, she now only figured out a small part of the effects of the golden spiritual spring.

She didn't know whether the golden spirit spring had the effect of purifying blood evil spirits.

Regardless, a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan created treatment conditions for her to consume a lot of time, no matter it was for the two of them or for the spirit of the water element, she could not drag on.

(End of this chapter)

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